Chapter 1

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Alexis's POV

I was sitting down in the alley way where I would usually hang out. Actually, it was the only place I would usually stay at. I wish I had my parents with me right now.

I'm an orphan. And I have no one. I just wish I had friends.

Whenever I felt lonely, I would always go to my favorite place. The bowling alley. It was my favorite place.

I stand up after thinking about the bowling alley and start to head over to it. As I walk, I hang my head low so that I'm not that noticed by a lot of people.

I enter the bowling alley and sit down by the bowling ball return and the bowling lane. I would usually sit down on the seats and just relax. And sometimes I would get some bowling balls and wold try to knock down the pins. But, right now, I just feel like sitting down.


It's been a while since I came here, and it looks like I'm the only one here. It wasn't until a guy with his dog came. They come in with French fries with ketchup and mustard. I wonder what they're doing here.

The dog then gets a bowling ball and stands in front of the bowling lane, being ready to roll the ball.

"You believe the nerve of that dude? Simon Cowell thinks friendship won't save the day," The guy says to his dog. It doesn't seem like they noticed me, so I just stayed quite and listened to their conversation.

"What does he know?" The dog said. Wait! The dog can talk?! I just stay quiet.

The dog then rolls the bowling ball onto the bowling lane and knocks down a few pins. There was only one pin still up. Man, for a dog, he has some skills.

"Yeah, he's not that smart. Just sounds like it because he's British," The guy said as he changed his accent for the last part. Why are they talking about Simon Cowell?

"Good point, Raggy," The dog tells the guy. I guess the guy's name is Raggy. But it doesn't sound like a good name for him.

"As long as we have each other, we'll be just fine on our own," The guy said as he dipped a French fry in his ketchup.

"Right," The dog said as he got another bowling ball from the ball return.

I didn't really pay that much attention after that. They must be good friends. I wish I knew what it feels like to have friends.

My attention went back on the two when I heard the dog talk.

"Eyes? Raggy, look," The dog said. Wait, eyes?

"Huh?" I questioned as I looked at the remaining bowling pin, but saw no eyes.

What did he mean by eyes?

"Oh, Scoob. I know it feels like everyone's judging us today. Even the bowling pins. But don't freak out on me, bud," The guy told his dog. I guess the dog's name is Scoob.

It seemed quiet for a few moments, so I turned around to see what was going on. They were waiting for the bowling ball to come back from the ball return, but it looked like it wasn't coming back.

"What's the hold-up?" Scoob asked.

"The ball return won't return our ball," The guy said.

Just then, ever ball return had returned a ball. It looked kind of creepy. 

Just then, their ball returned. That was a bit weird.

"Oh, there it is," Scoob said.

But just as the guy was about to pick up the bowling ball, the ball had sharp teeth and tried to bite at the guy's hand. It scared him, and for sure, it scared me.

"Zoinks!" The guy shrieked.

Just then, a bowling pin turned into a little scorpion-like robot with chainsaws instead of claws.

"Like, what is going on?" The guy questioned. I had that same exact question.

Then ever bowling ball on the ball return turned into identical robots.

What is going on?

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