Chapter 15

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Rye's POV:

Me and Jack has just heard from Brook that Andy wasn't in heat anymore and need more clothes, so I got some out of my closet for him to wear. I'm not going to lie but I'm kinda excited to see Andy today. I know I've only known him for a short amount of time but I feel like I've known him for years. He's such a cute little omega and I in all honesty feel something towards him in this short amount of time. 

I got clothes for Andy ( including clean boxers, a shirt, pants, and a hoodie) making sure they were some of my old clothes, so they had a better chance of fitting him, and we head to the little hidden, unused cabin, in the back of the house. 

*Time skip brought to you by me being in the middle of English and trying to half pay attention*

Me, Brook, and Jack we all sitting around talking about everything and anything when we heard the bathroom door opened, and Andy walked out. He of course was wearing my clothes, but he looked so cute. My hoodie was very oversized on him, and my joggers were kinda baggy, even though they were from when I was I believe 13. 

He was just standing in the middle of the door way awkwardly, so I got up and walked over to him. "Hey do you want something to eat?" I said slightly brushing the hair out of his eyes. He blushed and silently nodded. "Okay, I'll make you some breakfast, does pancakes sound good?" again he just nodded and looked down. I put my finger under his chin and slightly lifted his head up. "Words Andy,"

"Y-y-es," I smiled a bit and just looked at him for a min. His eyes were so blue, and his cute little freckles going over his nose, that only being this close you could see how perfect he was. His face turned a bright red as he looked down once more, I slowly backed away smiling to myself as I made my way to the kitchen t make breakfast. As I turned around I noticed that Jack and Brook had left at some point during me and Andy's little interaction just a few seconds ago.

****Another Time skip bc I'm a little lazy to write Rye making breakfast****

Andy's POV

Rye had finished making breakfast and brought it over for me at the table. I was hungry but at the same time I wasn't. Once he put the food down in front of me I just kinda stared at the food, think about how to start. There was two pancakes on the plate, as well as two pieces of bacon and some strawberries. For being in a cabin that was never used it sure does seem like it more used than what Rye had said. "Are you going to eat something?" I nodded my head and picked up a piece of bacon taking a small bite. He smiled and continued to watch me eat. I continued to eat slowly, with Rye watching me the whole time, until everything was almost gone. 

After I finished he picked up my plate and put it the sink and started to wash everything he used. After he finished he turned back to me and asked, "Sooooo, what do want to do today?"


this is definitely longer than any of the other ones but I hope you guys enjoyed!!

Love you!


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2020 ⏰

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