Black Trailer

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            A young boy with jet black hair slowly sat up, rubbing his forehead. His crash, although gentle due to whatever he landed on, had banged him up and he already felt the beginnings of a large bruise on the side of his head. The view out his window in the front of his pod had been blocked he couldn't really see anything, but harsh sunlight streamed in through the back. Pushing himself up Black Hair walked out of the crooked escape pod. Squinting, he looked around him. All he could see was sand, the air was burning and shimmering making the sand look like it was moving.

Turning Black Hair saw that his pod had smashed into a large sand dune and was half buried. The air inside the pod was cooler than outside. For a second Black Hair considered simply returning inside, but thought better of it. If he stayed with the pod he would run out of food quickly, and his water supply was already entirely depleted. No, it was smarter to keep moving, that way he might be able to find someone.

Black Hair scrambled on top of a large sand dune to get a better look around him, his emerald green eyes squinting at the burning sun light. His dark green lizard tail thrashed around nervously as he looked around. All he could see was sand dune after sand dune.

The boy forced his breath to slow, trying to keep his panic down. Right before the ship crashed he had seen a city, his pod hadn't flown over it, but he had managed to glimpse it from the sky. Reaching that city was his only chance.

Sliding down the dune he began walking towards the city, his bare feet crunching on the sand. He winced as the heat began to burn his feet. Closing his eyes to concentrate, the boy's feet shifted, the toes merging together to form three large claws in the front and one in back. Black scales grew over his feet and toe nails, which had become long green claws. Within a few seconds his feet went from human to lizard. Taking a deep breath the boy began walking across the burning sands.

The sun's heat beat down on Black Hair as he walked. Soon his skin burned and sweat poured down his face. His heart hammered in his chest. Black Hair knew that he could fully switch to his other form, like he had with his feet, but the black scales that would encase his body would only give temporary relief before he became trapped in a burning black prison.

By the time night had fallen the boy was stumbling with fatigue and thirst.

Have to keep going he thought tiredly. I just need to make it to the city.

Black Hair finally allowed himself a break. He curled up on the base of a sand dune, shivering from the cold that had quickly grown when the sun had abandoned him and the moon taken it place. Staring up at its shattered silver surface he wondered if his friends were seeing that same moon, wherever they were. He remembered the boy with blue eye's promise to him.

"I'll find you."

Heat woke Black Hair. He tiredly sat up and looked around him, remembering all that had happened. Pushing himself up, he began his walk again. But soon the sun began to shine hotter than before, he could feel it burning his skin. Still he pushed on, forcing himself to walk.

Finally, after forcing his burned, tired body up one last dune, he saw the city. It shimmered and moved with the heat but there was no mistaking its shape. Hope surged through his body and he felt a burst of strength.

But Black Hair's broken, weak body couldn't keep fighting the sun's rays and his own fatigue. He collapsed on the sand a short sprint away from the city's farthest buildings.

Blake Belladonna sat looking out her window at the distant desert. her cat ears twitching. She pushed herself to her feet and walked into the kitchen where her mom was putting up a vase of deep blue flowers on the table. "Mom," she said, "can we go on a walk? I'm bored!" Her mother, Kali, looked up in surprise.

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