Green Trailer

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The orange haired girl shivered in the thick snow around her, her breath came out as a white cloud of mist. Her pod lay some ways away, covered in snow. After crashing, she had crawled out of her pod to look around - the only thing she could see was a snow covered landscape, snow and a city. The city looked large and inviting compared to the ice that surrounded her. Above the city was what appeared to be a second city, suspended in the air, simply floating.

Although she was shocked, she didn't dare stop to admire it, she had to keep moving. The air was freezing and she had almost no protection. She set out walking, struggling against the freezing white.

Shivering with cold, her face pale and numb, she finally walked into the city. The air was warmer here, and soon she was no longer shivering as badly. It was still cold and she knew she needed a coat or blanket, but it was at least warm enough to survive.

People surrounded her, none paid her much attention. Her green eyes darted around, anxiety causing her heart to beat faster. She had never seen so many people in one place, even back in space there had been less than fifty scientists, plus her and the other six experiments.

Finally, fear led her to an alleyway, instinctually escaping the crowds. Orange Hair sat, curling her legs against her chest, trying to calm her breathing, trying to get warm. She closed her eyes, exhausted after her crash and walk, falling asleep to the footsteps of the people walking past, the occasional rush of a car, and the hum of the heater beside her.

Weeks passed like this, she stole food when necessary, drank fallen snow, hid in her alley. She was dirty and bruised, and always cold, but she was safe.

After the third week of her new life, she was gnawing a piece of stale bread. Suddenly a hand grabbed her shoulder. Orange Hair span in shock to see a furious face staring down at her, "Got you," the woman said. "You stole from my store and honestly expected to get away with it? I'm taking you in!" Panic shot through Orange Hair's heart and she frantically tried to pull away. But the woman's grip was strong. My powers! The girl thought frantically I can use my powers! Trying her best to focus with her arm being pulled Orange Hair imagined a white robot, like the ones she had seen in the streets, walking towards them. Using all her strength she mentally pushed the image onto the woman. At first her strong, purposeful steps didn't falter, then she paused.

Orange Hair looked at the path in front of them, straining to keep connection. She saw a white robot walking towards them, his body slightly transparent, but that was how Orange Hair always saw her illusions. She envisioned how the robots she had seen walked, how they carried their ever-present guns.

"Officer!" the woman shouted, "I caught this girl stealing from me!" Now's my chance the girl thought. She tightened her hand into a fist, yanked it out of the woman's grasp and stumbled onto the street.

A loud sound filled her ears; a truck was speeding towards her! Orange Hair was frozen with fear, her heart hammering. She couldn't scream or move. She could do nothing as it rushed towards her!

Suddenly a hand grabbed her and yanked her to safety. The girl heard shouting and angry voices, but she was too dazed to see where they were coming from. A heavy hand was on her shoulder. She heard her breath, quick and erratic. Slowly her senses returned to her and she saw the woman who had grabbed her storm away angrily.

"Thank goodness," a voice suddenly said, startling her. "I thought she would never leave. Are you alright?" Orange Hair looked up to see a kind looking, dark skinned man with glasses looking down at her. He was sitting on a large, strange machine. Orange Hair was too stunned to be afraid of it, even though it looked like something her captors from space would have created.

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