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"The media says we're doomed. Says we should take cover. It's crazy, this hospital is almost completely empty. But I'm here still." My words came out much more quiet than I thought it would. "I miss your voice. Your smile. Your eyes..." His hazel eyes, much like the season of autumn, were still hidden behind his pale lids. It's been three years. A simple fight led to this. 'Vegetative state', doctors had said. I should have let him go, a long, long time ago. But I didn't. I guess in my mind, I hoped he would wake up again, hold me again, tell me how much he loved me again...

"The sirens are loud. The air feels...claustrophobic almost. You can't breathe in very well out there. The safest place is your hospital room. At least for me, it's the safest place." Still no response. I knew. But I just hoped I could hear his voice one last time. Then again, I also hoped that he would wake up, we would have our wedding, have children, grandchildren, and grow old together. I hoped.

Sounds that could only be compared to hundreds of bombs dropping was shaking the hospital. Screams filled the long white hallways. The door was locked. It was just us. I climbed into his bed, and wrapped myself around him. Like a koala. He used to laugh when I did it.

"May we meet again. Either in a new world, or whatever afterlife awaits us. And when we meet, let's get married. And never let each other go." I could feel my tears. My heart pounding inside my chest. The world was caving in. People were dying. I was going to die. But I would die with him in my arms. A modern Romeo And Juliet. We were timeless, and it's too bad we didn't get enough time.

"I love you, now and forever..."



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