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Too late

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Too late

    I always loved taking pictures. Memories captured, something I could look back at when I pleased. However, these pictures broke my heart. These pictures made me eyes cry like never before.
      The woman I loved, my girl, my life, has been having an affair.  I came out to my family for her, full well knowing I'd lose them. My mother's words ringed in my ears, "You aren't my daughter if you date women." It hurt so bad. But this hurts even more.
       We both sat in silence. I couldn't even look at her without remembering the pictures. Her hands touching another girl. Kissing another girl. I thought I found my soulmate. The one who would love me forever, for who I am.
        "Did you love her?" I asked. Finally looking at her, she stares at me with those cold fire blue eyes. The eyes I used to love more than anything. "What? God no, I love you!" "You're lying. You don't. You never did, did you?" "Yes I-" "Did you hold hands with her like you did me? Did you tell her that you loved her? That you wanted to buy a house on the beach, and have a family? Did you tell her that too? Did you mention to her that you wanted kids? Was it fucking worth it?"
       She stared at me, tears falling down her beautiful face. "Baby, mi amour, I am so so sorry." Her voice was begging. Begging me to forgive her. "You're sorry cause you got caught. You're sorry because that bitch posted those photos and I saw." She cried harder. Her tears mean nothing though. And they never will again.
       I grabbed the bag I had packed previously and started to walk out of our apartment. The apartment we got together. The apartment we had sex in. Here, our home, we cried together, laughed, stayed up to three am watching movies. We had small parties with our friends. This apartment was our life. And now it's just crumbling. The foundation is no longer strong. The walls are falling, roof is caving. It's no longer ours.
        "Please, please don't go. I'm so sorry. We can work this out. We can talk to someone. But don't leave me." She had resorted to begging. And that just made it hurt all the worse because I know, she doesn't beg. I opened the front door. The hallway seemed longer than usual. I turned to look at her and said, "You were the closest thing to heaven. You made hell look beautiful. You made the sun so much more hotter. You became my shield from the world. We were so good. But you decided to throw it away. You did this, not me."
         My love, my girl, my future wife, was no longer mine. And it broke me. It broke me to see her stand there. I wanted to hug her, but she had no reason to cry. She wasn't the one betrayed, and heartbroken. "I'm sorry. Just stay, let's talk."

"It's far too late to apologize now."



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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2020 ⏰

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