❥Chapter 25

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Once you told Helen you were gonna talk to Aiden his eyebrows lifted slightly, his eyes turning to Aiden in a discreet way, Aiden felt the strong glare from him, sending shivers down his spine. You turned away only to feel a strong grip on your hand, you turn to Helen quickly and look down only to see his hand grabbing yours, confused your eyes widened and look up at him again, you were confused so you opened your mouth and got a few words out, "is something wrong, Helen?"

It seemed as if Helen finally snapped out of whatever he was thinking as he quickly softened his hold on your hand, letting it go instantly then looking away, "no, everything's fine... sorry about that." He says as he tried to keep himself composed only for a shy smile to sneak on his face.

You smiled shyly too, as you looked at his pale hand, so delicate and cold, the phantom of his fingertips lingering on your palm when he let you go. You shook your head and waved at him and looked at him one last time before walking with Aiden somewhere else.


"(Y/n), I wanted to talk to you about something that's been bothering me ever since I met Helen in person." He says as he looks at the ground.

You two sat down on the grass, you ended up in the same tree where you usually meet with Aiden.  You were trying to figure out why he suddenly wanted to talk about Helen, did he feel uncomfortable with him?

"Look, (Y/n)." Aiden says as he sighs and looks at you, his light brown eyes looking at you, showing such discomfort, he didn't know how to say it without sounding rude, "I get Helen is your friend and everything... but he's so... weird."

You furrowed your brows when you heard that, "what makes you say that?" You ask quickly.

Aiden bit his lip, "I just I don't know... every time I'm with you he would glare at me, there's just a weird feeling about him I simply can't put it to words." He says as he scratched his head, nerves getting the best of him. "I just can't be with you when he's right behind you, it feels like he's gonna strangle me if I talk to you one more time."

You frowned hearing this, why in the world would Aiden feel this way towards Helen? You open your mouth trying to understand why Aiden felt this way, "has he said something to you? Or done something?" You ask.

"It's not about what he has said or done to me, it's just his body language when I'm near you, that's enough to just make me walk away, maybe that's what Tom tried to tell you this entire time." He says as he picks on the grass, he stayed quiet after saying that and waited patiently for your response.

"This is ridiculous." You retorted, "maybe you're just overreacting cause you don't know him enough like I do." You grab Aiden's arm to make him look at you in the eye, "I would've noticed if something weird was happening. But believe me Aiden that's just how Helen is, and I will stand by that."

Aiden pursed his lips and looked down once again refraining from saying anything else. Then he slowly grabs your hand as he gently caresses it, "it's just... I don't want anything happening to you. You are so kind and it would break me if something ever happened to you." Aiden says as he looked at your hand. "You're the nicest friend I could ever have."

Your eyes softened when you heard those words, you smile slightly and shook your head, "nothing is gonna happen to me, Aiden." You laugh as you pulled him into a warm embrace, "you worry too much, dummy." You could hear Aiden laugh softly as he returned the hug.

You finally let go of him and you noticed a few tears threatening to come out of Aiden's eye, you shook your head. Aiden noticed and quickly wiped his tears with the sleeves of his hoodie, "don't make fun of me for getting emotional so easily!"

He laughs and you also did, you couldn't help it. He was such a baby, "Aiden I want you to get to know Helen a little better. He might look scary and all but trust me, he's a very sweet friend."

Aiden smiled slightly still unsure about Helen but nodded, "if you say so," Aiden gets up from the ground as he shakes off the dirt off of him. "I'm still wondering what Tom wanted to talk about with him though."

You also got up, remembering that Tom also talked to him in the morning, "did Tom tell you something about it?"

"Well he just said he wanted to talk to you and Helen." He says as you two start walking, "but he did apologize for the things he did to me... when he talked to me in the morning his face looked so gloomy." You could tell in Aiden's face that he was sad just remembering Tom's face. "He was sorry for pushing me away, for pushing you away too." Aiden turns to you to look at your reaction.

You were taken aback, you weren't sure what to think about that. You two finally go back to the courtyard of the school, you were still processing what Aiden said about Tom, why did he suddenly looked so gloomy.

Aiden sat down on one of the steps of the school's entrance. The sun making his skin glow and his brown fluffy hair giving it hints of reddish strands of hair if you looked closely. It's like he was sunkissed every time he was under the sun. You sat next to him as you watched more students walk by as school was over.

Big groups of students walking together, some were just two, but they looked happy. You smiled to yourself as you breathed in the warm afternoon breeze and waited for Helen to come back and talk to you. Or at least Tom to show up.

Aiden was about to say a few words when a loud sound hit the ground.

Your eyes darted quickly in front of you, but it felt like minutes or even hours when your eyes realized what they were looking at.

It felt like forever when your skin felt a cold and wet liquid sensation on you, it's as if your ears were muted to protect you from any other sound or scream when you heard that first excruciating sound, your eyes slowly moved to look at Aiden who looked just as horrified at what he was looking at.

He was covered in dark red liquid, from his face to all his clothes, his mouth and eyes open wide as he was shocked to what just happened, tears falling from his face yet he didn't move.

Someone fell from the school rooftop.

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