Right in front of him

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Alli's POV~ 

I uneasily stepped into Austin's house only to be greeted by Alex. 

"Hey Alli, are you okay, you seem kind of pale." He said while looking at me, scanning my face. 

"Yeah Alex, I'm fine. I think i want to go home though." I said turning around.

"Well let me drive you!" Ms. Mahone said pulling me out the door.

When we got to the car, she turned to me and said, "Its because of his girlfriend isn't it?"

I only replied with a nod. I cant believe I let myself fall for Austin AGAIN! I didn't even think i had feelings for him until he said the.... word. 


~Eleven Years Old~

"Come on Alli, lets go!" Austin whined as he grabbed my arm and pulled me down the sidewalk to what seemed like the park.

"Austin, calm down! Whats the rush?!" I said pulling my arm back and rubbing where he had it because of his strong grip.

"It's just really important we get there on time!" He said again stepping behind me and pushing me while holding my shoulders. 

When we got to the park, I saw the most amazing sight. The trees were all covered in Christmas lights even though it was the middle of June, and in the center of the park, there was a picnic set up.

I gasped and looked over at Austin to see tears in my eyes. He smiled and grabbed my hand sitting me down on the blanket. 

The food was amazing and when we were done, he put everything away and we laid down looking at the clouds. I suddenly felt like someone was watching me. I turned over on my side to look at Austin.

"Alli, you are the bestest friend ever." Austin said smiling. I smiled back and kept looking at him. He slowly started leaning in and i started panicking. This would be both of ours first kiss. But today has been perfect so... why not? 

I slowly leaned in, and when our lips met, i felt a spark. I think Austin felt it too, because he pulled away smiling. 


I was snapped back to Earth by a tap on my shoulder. I looked up to see we were in my drive way. 

"Everything will be okay." Ms. Mahone said patting my back and pulling me into a hug. "Austin just has to open his eyes and see his perfect match was there with him all along." 

And with that, she let go and slightly smiled at me before I got out of the car and up my porch steps. I waved one last final goodbye before going inside the new house.


Another chapter is done! Read, Comment, Vote, Fan and all that other stuff! Love you all! :) <3 XxCammy

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