Somewhere to start from

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Chapter 2

'Oh no, he didn't!' screamed RJ. No one could belief their father left island and its surrounding property his oldest invalid of a son. Their father never even spoke to or about him anyways. The most painful part is that when Kevin dies an invalid, the house is to be donated.

Ray Junior or RJ as people call him was to take over the family business and Brenda the spoilt princess is to receive ten thousand dollars every month for ten years from the company account. Alex the baby of the house was to own the other assets all amounting to one hundred and fifty million dollars. Regina, his wife is to own her jewelry business and all other assets he might have bought for her.

The will had been fair said the lawyer, but he could feel the resentments in the room as he packed his suit case and left the house. He had done his part he thought as he stepped out of the room almost hitting the new hired house help Rose.

On his way back to his room, Kevin saw the beautiful damsel, he might be unable to make a sound but his eyes sure couldn't help but admire what it was seeing. And that was all he thought about, unlike his half siblings who were so furious that the island worth more than five hundred million dollars would be given to someone who wouldn't be able to appreciate it and there was nothing they could do about it.

Finally the shit is over said Alex as he stepped out for a smoke. He never really cared about his family. Just like his father he was a really heartless SOB who could kill to get what he wants. And that was what was going on in his mind, as he hatched the means of taking his older brother RJ out form the family business. He throw the cigarette down, walked into the house to give his mother the customary see you later peak, took out his sun shade and walked to his car.

His last thought before he blew with the car to ashes, was to let his brother enjoy his new office and drop his guard before he dispense off him.

Rosie, or Rose as she was known in her new profession couldn't belief it. It seemed either faith was helping her destroy the family or she was not the only one out for revenge and someone was already ahead of her.

The whole house was in kayos. Everyone was scared. Nobody had seen or suspected anything. The cops came in, questioned everybody including the lawyer who was the last to leave the car pack. Numerous search and tests were done leaving no stone unturned, but it seemed the job was done by a ghost.

Chapter 3

"That would be all for now, Regina dismissed the servant from her room. Her sanctuary couldn't relief her of the turmoil going on inside her, the pain of losing her son was far more than losing Ray. Every lady used to want to be her, but she had been a very miserable and unhappy lady since she got married to Ray. He had been charming, attentive and a darling whilst they were courting, she remembered how broken he had been after his first wife's accident. Although Ray always portrayed to be the perfect man to the society, he was a monster with his wife and sons. After retiring from the army to the mansion, he had become more aggressive, always picking up fights and extremely jealous and suspicious.

"Oh am going to be sick again" she said. The doctors had said it was her body's form of handling the grief, but it didn't seem like she was getting better. All her medical tests had been perfect, but something must be wrong somewhere. Dragging herself to the edge of the bed, she threw out the little mushroom soup she had taken less than 30 minutes ago. She knew how bad she must have lost weight and beauty, it is a good thing Ray is dead, God only knows what he would have done.

It's been nine months since Rays death, and everything seems to be collapsing, RJ is busy drinking himself to a pulp, rumor has it that the business has fallen and the bank is ready to sell it at a ridiculous price to an unknown company. Her shop has been destroyed by her wayward daughter whom she had trusted to keep it running. Brenda had sold exclusive jewelries at a giveaway price to her silly spoilt and rotten friends, she had misplaced some very expensive pieces and hadn't felt any remorse for destroying a 50 billion dollars worth of goods.

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