Chapter 38

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It had been a month of nonstop practicing. I can't believe that in a week, we were finally doing the show. As the swan queen, I definitely was the most nervous of the dancers. The idea of me tripping on my shoes or falling horrified me. They were what my nightmares were made of. I cannot afford to take them on stage with me as I perform.

But no one ever was as anxious as Mr. Walker. These past remaining days of rehearsals, he had started yelling at us so we would do better. I understood. We all did. But sometimes, I just can't handle the pressure anymore. And this wedding thing I have was adding up to it. Sometimes I wished Mr. Walker didn't pick me for this role. But then I'd mentally slap myself every time. To have the main role was such a huge privilege and a bust to a ballerina's career. I cannot let this slip away.

Right after Mr. Walker's "That's a wrap," the girls, including me, scooted out of stage and sprinted towards the dressing room, our petticoats bouncing around our hips.

I hurried to my table. One by one, I took off the hairpins that secured my bun into place, letting my hair spill and cascade down my back.

"Whew! I'm glad this week is over," I heard Lauren murmured as she walked past my corner to hers. Our last rehearsal for this week was over. Final rehearsals will take place the next week before the night of the show comes. I have my own plans for this weekend and that included planning the engagement party, the same time these girls have their own. And they did not include me in it because they understood I had this wedding thing going on.

"You said it," Jane, whose corner was next to mine, agreed.

In one dressing room, there were about twelve dancers. Everyone was full on taking off their tutus and ballet shoes, packing their bags and just getting ready to go home when Rebecca turned on her speakers, blasting a reggae tune. I was not familiar with the song but my heart jerked when I recognized the raspy voice as it poured in like water rushing across rocks in a shallow river.

"Is that Bruno Mars?" I heard Molly asked.

Trying not to pay attention to Molly and Rebecca's conversation, I stood up and sat cross-legged on the floor to take off my shoes and see how many new blisters my feet earned from today's rehearsal.

A month had passed and I had been trying to live through the days without Bruno's whereabouts crossing my mind. I didn't know if I had given up hoping though. But I was aware that the desire was still there, that desire to at least know if he was real when he kissed me. It still remained an eternal flame burning in my chest.

"Yeah," Rebecca answered.

"Ugh, I'm so excited to see him tomorrow," Jane muttered—

I shot my head up to her.

"Yeah right. That's why we gotta run now, you know. Our flight is at ten," Lauren said and I felt confused and out of place.

"Flight? What?" I exclaimed, looking up at Jane and Lauren who were almost done packing up. I knew they had their own plans but nobody told me about flying to another state. And what was Jane saying she was excited about?

"Los Angeles, baby!" Rebecca squealed.

"The fuck, Rebecca,"  Lauren hissed, pissed at the other dirty blonde-haired girl for spilling the beans.

"You're going where?" I blurted out, eyes wide. "And you're seeing who?"

"We're going to L.A., alright?" Jane confirmed in a calm voice. "Lauren got us tickets to Bruno Mars' concert . . ." I didn't catch her next words after Bruno Mars' concert. His name vibrated in my brain continuously.

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