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In front of Cartman's house. 

Jimbo, Ned, and the teens are waiting for Cartman to come.

Liane was spending him off "Now you be careful, Eric. The woods can be very dangerous."

"Okay, Mom." Eric said.

"Ready to go hunting Eric?" Y/N shouted to her chubby buddy.

 "Yeah, my Uncle Jimbo says we gotta get up there early. Right, Uncle Jimbo?" Stan asks turning to his uncle.

Jimbo agreed "That's right, Stanley. Animals are much easier to shoot in the morning".

Liane gave Eric a bag "Here hon, I packed you some cheesy poofs and happy tarts."

"Happy Tarts!!!" Y/n beamed at the sound of her favorite sugary breakfast treat

Unfortunately, Eric then knew for the sake of the food, he wouldn't be sitting with Y/n.

Jimbo peered out of his car window and reassured Liane "Don't worry Mrs. Cartman, we'll take good care of him. I brought my old war buddy Ned to keep things safe."

Ned Gerblansky, a man who had a big head and had a strange robotic voice, greeted "Hello, Mrs. Cartman. How are you today?"

"Be sure to use lots of bug spray, and if you have to poo-poo, don't wipe with poison ivy." Liane says reassuring

The other boys laugh, and Y/N just quirked an eyebrow up.

Cartman looks disgusted "Dude, that's sick mom."

Liane ends it sweetly "And I know it can get scary up in those woods, but just remember, mommy's not far away"

The laugh some more and Y/N smiled innocently, thinking it was cute.

Cartman couldn't take it any longer "Drive, Drive!"

"You give your mommy a kissy."

Cartman shrieked "Drive the car damn-it, drive!" and finally they did

In the Humvee, Kyle pitched his voice up  "Don't get scared up in the mountains Cartman."

"Shut up, I'm not scared of nothing." Cartman denied

Stan threw in a tease too "Maybe your mom can give me a kiss too, Cartman."

Kenny mumbled "(Maybe she'll suck my dick.)"

Y/N tried her hardest to stop the teasing "Guys, leave him alone!"

"Of course, Y/N" Kenny 'admitted' but muttered "I'll still win you over"

Y/N smiled but Cartman knew exactly what he said "You piece of crap, I'll kill you!" Cartman starts fighting with Kenny.

Jimbo encouraged "That's the spirit kids, let's get that testosterone flowin'."

Cartman was about to strike Kenny again with Y/N trying to stop it.

Jimbo then stopped the fighting "Now kids, kids, ah-I need to get serious for a minute. I want you to understand a few basic rules of hunting, since this is your first time. First, don't ever walk with your gun unless the safety's on. Second, don't shoot anything that looks human, and third, never spill your beer in the bullet chamber."

Violets (Various South Park x innocent reader)Where stories live. Discover now