Chapter 4: Alive and Awake

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A/N: Th-this chapter takes place around th-three weeks after the incident.


I open my eyes and Holy hecc the room is blinding. I groan as I lift my arm, but it's riddled with tubes and needles, so I hesitantly put it back down. I hate needles, but the last thing I need is to wiggle them around in my veins. I remember the incident, I must be in a hospital.

I try to call out but my throat is dry and raspy, and it takes me several minutes to be able to speak, but even with my voice at its normal state, my cry for assistance is nothing more than a mumble. Giving up, I drift off into sleep tired from my ordeal.

(T-time skip of approx. 2 hours {Th-the people at the hospital have found me to be out of m-my coma})


I'm coming in for my weekly Amajiki visit with Mirio in tow dashing across the busy sidewalk full of people bustling to-and-fro when I finally make it to the front door of the hospital. My hands are shaking and I can already feel the sadness bubble up as I wonder how much longer he'll be like this...

We check-in, and the attendant nurse takes us over to his room saying "I have good news, your friends has pulled out of his coma," and my heart soars. Mirio and I stare at each other, eyes wide and jaws-dropped. Without wasting any time I walk over and touch the side of his pointy face with my hand, chilled by the late-winter air, and ask "Chicken-heart can you hear me?", I feel him slightly recoil and slowly open his eyes. His expression doesn't change as he looks at me and asks, "Who are you?"

I feel my heart drop from my chest onto the floor and fragment. I begin to tear up... he doesn't know who I am...


I stand a little further back and gasp in shock as Amajiki appears to have lost most of his memory, I remember all of the stories we've shared, the sleepovers, the crushes, the secrets... is everything really gone?

"A-Amajiki," I stutter, "d-do you remember me?" He looks ahead blankly but starts to crack a smile and says "Mirio, Nejire, of course I remember you two," with a raspy chuckle.


Okay, I am truly pissed, "Ama-f*cking-jiki, you have some nerve trying to do that to us," I start, "So help me God that I don't kick your bedridden behind all the..." with a huff before seeing that he's close to crying now, and I soften up and say "Nevermind, I'm just glad that you're okay," as I give him a hug but as I pull closer in I whisper as he blushes, "But if you pull something like that again I'll put you in another coma," as I give him a quick peck on the cheek.

I back up and let Mirio have a chance to talk with him.


"Remind me to never cross Nejire," I tell Amajiki who gives a weak smile in response, "but all else aside, how are you doing? We missed having you around..."

He grunts in response and rasps, "Just get me out of here and we can talk".

I call over the nurse, who brings armloads of paperwork to me to which I glance at Nejire who says, "I'll let you have the paperwork, I wanna tell something to Amajiki here... privately.", I take that as my cue to leave as I go to the waiting room and begin to fill out the forms.


Nejire glares at me, I guess it's not all okay just because I'm okay. I gulp as she draws closer, "I'm going to die," I think to myself. I close my eyes and try to shrink away from the fuming bluenette, but the dang hospital bed makes it impossible for me to escape. I accept my fate and open my eyes to see that Nejire isn't going to hit me, but rather is just staring at me with her big, beautiful eyes.

"Amajiki," she asks me, "do you remember what you were going to say before you blacked out?" I flinch, and manage to stutter out, "N-n-no...", but of course I knew what she was talking about, I had just mulled over it for the past 3 weeks of solitude.

She crosses her arm and pouts while inquiring, "Tama-Kun, are you suuuuuure?" I blush beet red as I concede to confess. "Well, I-I wanted to t-tell you something about the girl I love because I n-needed you to tell her how much I love her...", I stutter. Her mouth becomes a thin line as she looks at the floor. I continue, "I wanted you to let her know that her b-big, blue eyes full of w-wonder and love make my knees w-wobble, h-her adorable laugh makes my h-heart soar, and her lovely l-long blue hair is nothing short of God's greatest creation...", Nejire slowly brings her head back up. "B-but now that I know that I'm able to tell her," I say licking my dry lips in nervousness, "Nejire, I-I love yo-OOF", my words are cut short as the air is squeezed out of my lungs. Her azure eyes glimmer and her blue hair shimmers as she whispers into my ear, "I love you too, Amajiki." I melt into her embrace, my face thoroughly red and beaded with nervous sweat. To which I try to respond, "Do you want to go on a date with me", but instead it comes out as "D-do you want date t-to go on m-me?", I stumble to correct myself much to Nejire's amusement, and her laugh lights up the room. She puts a finger to my lips to stop me from fixing my error, and says, "I know what you were trying to say you poor cinnamon bun, of course, I'll date you!"

I see Mirio has finally returned with the forms as well some nurses, "Heyo," he says, "I brought the cavalry, it's time to get Tama out of that bed!"

Minutes later I feel the exhilaration of finally walking again, I stumble from the sudden requirement of leg strength and fine motor control. I look down at my heavily bandaged leg and wince, I hear the gunshot again and flinch, stumbling once more. Nejire catches me and playfully scolds me while offering me her shoulder to help me walk which I gladly take.

After we finally leave the hospital, we see cars pull up as my parents clamber out with looks of surprise on their faces. "You're really awake," my mom says, "We came as soon as we could." I smile as I accept their hugs and kisses...

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