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It's been hard. 

Life is hard.Life gets harder when you are a teenager; and life is the hardest when you are ateen with strict parents.

 Some of us know that, some of us know how it is to feel followed at every step and beingalways controlled. Getting your phone checked when they feel like you hide something. Youmight hide something but after all is in your privacy. You being "persecuted" because you wantto do things that others do, or go clubbing with classmates, or even just going out and staying outlate. Even if you know that your parents do everything for your own good you still want to liveyour life like you want. 

You suffered your whole middle school just because you were bullied, you told your momand she went to school, nothing changed, you were crying to your mom that you don't want to goto school anymore; you were enjoying classes more than recess. You were bullied more becauseyour mom kept going to school to try and solve something. The principle got involved becauseshe knew that you were a nice kid, but nothing changed. You got through 3 out of 4 years ofmiddle school; the last one instead was fine. The bulling stopped and you kind of got along withyour class mates, but your mom decided that telling you that you're not going to pass your exam,she thought that telling you that you are stupid and everything is going to end if you don't getinto the right high school she is not going to let go to high school. She didn't know that you arenot the type of kid that is getting motivated by telling you that. You were being stressed, youweren't smart enough, you tried for a while but you hadn't had the right motivation. You didn'thave the result she was hoping, she was disappointed and you were shocked. 

Even with the result and without your mother trusting you, you got into the high school andeven better you got into the profile she wanted. You let her choose for you, you let her chooseyour future because you were powerless. You had almost nothing to say to that, after the mathresult you knew that you are not smart enough to go and take the major exam in math. Now youknew, you found out that you weren't that good at the only thing that you thought you are goodat, your foreign language wasn't good either, but you hoped that if you go into an intensiveEnglish class you might get better. 

There couldn't have been a better choice for you........................................................................................................................

Your mother made the right choice and deep down you knew that. That summer was shortand you felt it, you and your best friend got into the high school that you wanted, where youwanted. In the first day you two were excited, couldn't wait to enter the high school togetherholding hands; that was one hell of a memory. You can still remember that day and will neverforget it; it has a special place in your heart. Why thinking that only this has its special place?High school has its special place and always will.

 Even if you were straight scared about how you are going to fit in, you tried, you tried just alittle. You were still scarred over middle school and you were so scared of your classmates thatyou barely talked to anyone, you had no one in that class. Days passed and passed, you were stillshy, but at least you met some of your classmates. You tried to make friends; you had your bestfriend down the hall but you felt left out in that class. It seemed like you will never fit in, but youdid. You finally found your friends, God made your friend move classes because of math andnow you were classmates, everything fall into place for you. You heard that the next years youwill have a new classmate and you said to yourself that you are going to be open and make a newfriend.

 You couldn't be more right about it. 

You were one of the first people she met and even if you were shy, she was shyer than you.She was scared of everyone, she was a little weird, but you saw something in her that made youwanting to be her friend. She was always hiding behind her books with her glasses, but you andyour friend really wanted to get to know her. You two wanted to help her fit in because youhelped each other fit in. In the first place she was so shy, but so cute; with her short hair andglasses, and she was so short; like a nugget. You managed to help her fit in, she was weird; butyou all were. That's how you found one another.

 The year passed and you all got closer, became more familiar with one another; started tospend more time together and you all became a family. You realized that you can't wait to go toschool because you're going to see your friends. They were there when you were feeling downand they were there for you when you had something important to share. You learned somethingfrom them, you managed to grow; you managed to learn from them who deserves your love andwho does not, even if you have a lot more to learn about that, they showed you want kind ofpeople do; they showed you that you deserve love. 

In high school you had your first heart break and they were there, even if that changed youaround other people, it did not changed you around them, you were your best self. 

In high school you met the best person, the kindest person you will probably ever meet. Youmet this soft, but badass girl; this damaged girl, but with the kindest soul, this girl thatunderstood all your problems and knew that you are going to be good friends. This girl that you didn't want to ever lose, this girl that shared some of your favorite hobbies and the girl you knewyou can talk anything with; this special girl.

 Everything changed in the end, every little thing in your life went south, except your friends,they were there for you when your life was falling apart. Nobody else noticed your presence butthem; nobody noticed the changes but them. They tried to help you as much as they could.

 But faith had other plans for you and you had no idea...

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