*_I'm Sorry_*

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Playing hide and seek with Dust and Killer, they were in charge in keeping me safe for the day and I know its quite childish but what can I say enjoy youth while it last. Dust was the seeker while Killer and I will hide. The park was extremely broad so there should be enough places to hide ourselves from the seeker. Giggling at myself for being the only one whose still hiding from them. Killer was a bit disappointed for being the first catcher and Dust was rather proud of himself yet his still up to finding my hiding spot. Looking once again at their searching party, Dust was nowhere to be found and I was a bit confused about it. Turning to my side, 'Boo', letting out a squeal Dust had this smug look on his face only for me to huff and puff at him.


"Stop that, I ain't cute"

Dust sure was leaning forward in an attempt to kiss me yet someone tightened their grip on his shoulder. Looking behind Dust, there stood a very furious and jealous Killer glaring daggers at Dust who casually shrug their shoulder off. Laughing at their behavior, I smiled at them causing them to blush slightly and asked them both to head back.

Passing several streets and shops, we were nearing my apartment but something doesn't feel so right and I knew Killer and Dust were feeling the same so we rushed ourselves from the area eyes widened at the chaotic scenery. Corpse was everywhere making a pond of ruby blood as I felt myself getting nausea for these horrendous situation. Nightmare and the others were already at the area examining the whole place glaring at whoever they saw. Approaching to where they were, the figure was in view looking at it frantically it- it was only Zen, who was quite unaware at his position while holding a bloody knife staining his bare hands with it, yet I wasn't so sure about how he would kill someone for any invalid reasons.

It seemed that he had noticed my presence while grinning from side to side calling out for my actual name which caused me to flinch. Getting the attention of others, they were giving me this strange stares like '(Y/N)?'. I knew something was off about Zen but I can't really be accurate if his being possessed by someone with this strange amount of darkness lingering inside his soul.

Calling out for his name multiple times and trying to snap him out, it was useless until he decided to lash me out but then Nightmare had prevented that to happen. They begun fighting while I was being protected by Horror and Killer. As bone of daggers came flying through multifarious direction aiming at Zen's limping body, I can't bare to watch another horrendous scene specially if it includes someone whose valuable to me yet Zen was outrageous, using every mana he had left but something tells me that his out of existence.

"You fools! How can you even protect such fool who only think for herself!"

Snapping me out of my train of thoughts, their voice reminded me of someone that I encountered during these past few weeks and I do recall on being someone I was once and it doesn't make sense as to why it involves Zen's out of existence, yet his body was still intact being possessed by something. Reminiscence about those voices that rang through my head like flashing adrenaline, the thought of meeting someone ringed a bell and it was, 'oh no, player?'

Coughing blood as I stared at him with wide eyes, Zen's body couldn't take anymore extra damage that can end his fragile life. He was almost kneeling to the ground unable to take another attack and I was outburst-ing in tears while trying to approach his once body. As Nightmare grab ahold of my body, I was squirming out of his grip to get a closer look of my friend but couldn't since he was far too strong for a fragile body like mine.

"P-please h-help m-me"

Upon realizing those voices, I once stared at him for awhile only to look at the actual Zen who trying to fight off the player within his body and was suffering for the deep wounds and cuts all over his body while pleading for us to finish him off with the player while he can still hold him off. As Error was already using his strings to stab his soul with it, I was rather pleading and begging for Nightmare to stop him and to let me go but Zen just smiled at me tears streaming down his once silky skin while I was on the verge of revealing something I wasn't supposed to. Hearing the sound of something shattering through his soul, I was screaming and begging for them to stop and when he stumbled to the cold rocky road, I couldn't contain the emotions I was holding on until the wig I was wearing burned up revealing my scarlet hair only for Nightmare to flinch along with the others and to finally loosen his grip on me. Taking that as my cue, I didn't care what they think about me nor ascertaining the fact that I was (Y/N) but my only intention right now was to go to Zen's aid.

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