Chapter Two: Hotel Quality

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"Sales is the easiest job here, well...aside from janitorial duties," Jushiro stated as he guided Yoruichi to her cubicle,"maybe they're not that easy when it's a 3 story building." He stopped in front of an empty cubicle and smiled at her,"here's your spot! You'll be next to Tatsuki here! Shes such a devoted worker!" The white haird man walked over and patted the girl's shoulder,"always here early, and staying over late." Tatsuki smiled,"this place is great to work for as long as you don't have to come in contact with Miss. Fon, the heads here run the place really well!" The Shihoin smiled at her and sat down at her desk, taking scope of where everything was, printer, computer, phone, etc.
"So what all do we do here?" She asked.
"Excellent question! We here work as the sales/customer service reps. If a customer calls with a complaint of our items we take their full word to heart and offer to help. And we also call around to random homes, cells, businesses to advertise and entice people to test out our products," Jushiro smiled at her, brushing a piece of hair from his face.
"And now a dumb question...what do we even sell here?"

The man's eyes widened and his mouth dropped, "you don't know what we sell here?" His hands clenched into fists, "we sell all kinds of different honey products, from pure honey to honey body wash, shampoo, body scrubs, hand soaps, etc...I can't believe you applied here and didn't know these things."
"I mean I didn't exactly apply here," Yoruichi rubbed the back of her head,"my dad got me a job here. Ya know, Nagami Shihoin?"
Heads peeked from atop their cubicles as a collective "NAGAMI SHIHOIN?" echoed through the sales department.

Jushiro sighed, rubbing his temple. "Your task for today is just to get to know your computer, your phone, etc. Tomorrow will start your real training. We don't even have your phone line on to receive or give calls. So have fun, we all leave at 5." Jushiro walked away, leaving Yoruichi alone with her coworkers all staring at her.
"What are you staring at?" She snapped. They all turned their heads away, going back to their normal routines.

"What's a daddy's girl such as yourself working at a place like this?" A man's deep voice chimed in. A blonde man with an odd green and white striped bucket hat peeked into her cubicle,"figured someone like you would be at home. Too good for us working class citizens."
"Yeah well daddy cut me off. But what's it to you?" She growled at the man, insulted he even had the nerve to talk to her.
"I was just curious is all," he leaned against the opening in her cubicle and crossed his arms,"the names Kisuke, Kisuke Urahara."
"And what department are you from?"
"Oh no department, I keep the place spotless here. I call myself a cleaning specialist." He smirked a little at her, his gray eyes sparkling slightly in the brightly lit sales room.
Yoruichi rolled her eyes,"so you're the janitor."
Kisuke scoffed at her,"call it what you want. I make this place look nice." He flicked his bucket hat up so he could see her better, his eyes following up and down her curves."You got anywhere to stay tonight? If daddy cut you off I reckon he isn't letting you stay at home either."
"No I don't, but I think the last place I'd go is to the scruffy janitor's house to sleep," Yoruichi let out a laugh,"but thanks for the offer."
"Suit yourself," Kisuke shrugged and turned away,"for a scruffy janitor I actually have a nice place. 2 bed, 2 bath nice sized apartment. Hotel quality sheets, blankets, and pillows."
"Wait!" Yoruichi jumped to her feet,"what kind of hotel quality are we talking?"
"5 star, sweetheart. I accept nothing lower."
"You've got a deal!"
The blonde gave her a warm smile,"I'll see you at 5 then, princess."

5 o' clock couldn't come any slower. Yoruichi was bored the whole day with nothing to do while everyone else took calls and filled orders. But the only thing she couldn't get off her mind was that scruffy janitor. Sure he came off as cocky at first but the fact that he barely knew her, and was willing to welcome her into his home was...charming. The dark skinned woman blushed a little. Sure she had been hit on by dudes before but she blew most of those guys off before.
"Oh god what have I done," she mumbled, holding her head,"what if he's expecting sex? Would I be okay with doing it with him?" She closed her eyes, imagining the thought of him slowly removing her clothes, kissing every inch of her bare skin and just pounding into her over and over and over....
The Shihoin snapped from her daydream, looking at Tatsuki at the opening of her cubicle.
"Come on, its 5:30. Everyone left at 5."
Yoruichi jumped from her seat and grabbed her coat.

"Shit I hope he didn't leave yet!"

Right outside the door on a nice, newer modeled motorcycle sat no other than Kisuke Urahara, waiting for her with a helmet in hand.
"I was starting to think you climbed out a bathroom window," he chuckled, tossing the helmet to her when she got close enough. Yoruichi blushed, putting the helmet on her head, "now we're not even on a date, plus I was 2 stories up, there's no way I would climb out a bathroom window."

Kisuke turned the bike on and revved the engine slightly."Ready?" He asked.
The bike whipped to the left and before Yoruichi knew it, they were out of the parking lot and flying down the main street, swerving around cars he thought were going too slow.
Yoruichi at first had her hands on the back of the bike for balance, but she ended up wrapping her arms around Kisuke's torso, leaning her chest against his back.
He was warm, and his back felt muscular and rough, even through his shirt.

"Ya know," she whispered to herself,"I honestly wouldn't mind this guy pounding me." She giggled a little, a smile crossing her face.

It wasnt long before the bike finally pulled over to a parking spot on the side of the road and turned off. Kisuke plopped the kickstand down and hopped off, pulling the helmet off his head. "Welcome to mi casa," he smiled, gesturing to the condo in front of him. "Wow," Yoruichi said,"this is yours?"
"You know it, sugar. Lots of hard work got me to this baby." He lead her to the front door, unlocking it with the keypad before letting her in.

The floorplan was huge, high white ceilings made the place look larger, the living room had a very tasteful black and white color combination. Sofa and loveseat were black, but the rug, coffee table, and tv console were a brilliant pearly white.
"You like?" He asked, putting his arm on her shoulder.
"Its very pretty in here. I love the black and white aesthetic you have going on here," she blushed a little, slowly wrapping her arm around his waist,"and it looks like marble counter tops? I love marble!"

For a scruffy janitor his home definitely had its ways of wowing you. Yoruichi was getting nervous, for the first time in a while she was nervous around a guy.
But she wanted it to be late. She wanted the moon to be high in the sky. She wanted...him.

Yourichi shook her head and let him go, taking a seat on the couch.

"So...what's for dinner?"

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