chapter 3

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Ssing's Pov

So today's the day, the vacation day. It's actually nice to relax once in a while, it's even nicer that all the artists in gmmtv are friends, so having a good time is pretty much expected.

Now, I'm on the way to pick Jan up, of course. Those idiots will find any excuse to set Jan and I up.

I can't believe they are all adults sometimes.. still playing like elementary school kids.

But oh well, whatever sails their boat. One day they'll realize that it's impossible between Jan and I.

We've known each other for too long, I doubt we'll ever see each other in that way.

I broke off my thoughts when I saw that I am almost at Jan's house. I honked my car, too lazy to call her to come out.

After a few more honks, she came out with a one big luggage. Seeing so, I got off my car and offered her help.

" Finally! Thought you were going to come tomorrow.. " She said sarcastically, feigning her annoyance.

I just smiled sheepishly at her as I picked up her luggage.

Once we got in the car, we started chatting about random things.

Suddenly though, Gunsmile called me, and since I was busy driving, I told Jan to pick it up.

" Aye~ now you're even picking up each other's phone? oooh~ "

Jan and I looked at each other then rolled our eyes at him,

" So what? Are you jealous? "

" Aye~ Ssingjan~ Ssingjan~ " He kept teasing. I shook my head and laughed at his playfulness.

" Don't tell me you only called just to tease us- " Jan spoke up, raising her eyebrows.

" Well of course! I just wanted to check up on my favorite couple~ " Gunsmile said and laughed again.

Jan rolled her eyes and hung up on the phone before Gunsmile could say anything else.

After that, we were kind of quieter than when we first came in. I guess the shipping made things a tad bit awkward..

I peeked at Jan and weirdly, she looked pale and stern.
She usually is always smiling and the one carrying on the conversation, what's wrong with this girl?

I was about to ask her about it, when suddenly she picked up a call from someone.

Since my eyes were on the road, I could only listen.
And all I heard were giggles, which made me curious of who she was talking to, since just a second earlier.. she was looking all gloomy.

When she ended the call, I took a glance at her.. she had such a big smile plastered on her face.

" Who did you just talk to? Why are you so happy? "

" A-Ah.. Well.. no one in particular.. "

" Suree~ no one.. but here you are smiling from ear to ear. " I said sarcastically rolling my eyes.

" Fine. I was talking to a friend, happy? "

" Is it that guy that asked for your number last week? "

From the corners of my eyes, I could see her eyes widening in shock,

" H-How did you know that? "

" You always react like that.. all girly and everything when you talk to guys, so well if you ask me, it was pretty obvious..
So, guessing from your reaction.. it must've really been him. "

" Alright then since you know now, I forbid you from ruining this. " She said with her arms crossed.

Excuse me?

" Jeesh.. Do whatever you want. Since when have I stopped you? "

She stared at me in disbelief as her fingers pointed at me accusingly,

" You've ruined two dates so far now Ssing. What the hell do you mean you've never stopped me from dating guys? "

I mean I'm just doing it for your own good. They don't deserve you anyway.. you're better off with-
wait what am i saying?

" Better off with who huh? Tell me, I'll date that guy right away if that's what you think. "

Oh shit, did I just say that out loud? Oh god Ssing, you're really stupid!

I mentally facepalmed myself as I hesitantly turned to face her, She was looking at me with the same accusing eyes she had earlier.

" I-I mean.. no one.. You know what? Just date whoever you want. "

" If you say so. Don't come to me later saying this and that, and do not, at all costs, ruin my date! " She said firmly, in which I just scoffed at.

I mean who does she think she is?

With that, the whole entire car ride continued on with that mood, tense and awkward.

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