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"Ah..is it working..?"

"Yeah its booting up"

She opened her eyes to see a brown haired boy with shining light blue eyes and a girl looking the same as him. She turned to the boy and smiled.

"Good morning Master"

"She seems to know who her master is already, I have already added all the stuff she needs to know" The girl smiled at her twin. The twin only looked at the AI with interest.

"Ah, um... What's her given name..?" The boy asked his sister. "She doesn't have one, let's just call her model 3000 AI" The twin girl said. "Ah alright.."

The AI stood there with a smile on her face. "Ano... AI could you please leave the room for a bit?" The AI smiled and left the room.


"You know what she is right?" The male twin asked. "Yes, I know what she is, she's a replacement for your ex girlfriend" The girl sighed at her twin's idiocy.

"She looks so real its unbelievable..." Muttered her twin.

"Yes indeed, well, I'll be taking my leave now, see you later dear brother" She patted her brother's shoulder before walking out of the room.

The room was silent for a bit until he heard a knock. "Master, may I come in..?" Her sweet voice called out from the other side. The male cleared his throat and fixed his composure. "Yes, come in AI"

The AI went inside the room and looked at her master with a soft gaze.

"Do you know who I am?" He asked her. "You're my master, Dipper Gleeful" She replied back, her soft voice ringing into his ear. "Then do you know your purpose..?" Dipper asked her. She smiled softly at her master before replying "Yes.. I am to be your girlfriend"


Its been months since she was made.
She really acted like a human and even feel like a human. Mabel and Dipper created the AI to help Dipper get over the death of his previous girlfriend. He was so down that he couldn't even get out of bed for weeks.

AI acted so human that hardly anyone can hardly tell she's a robot or not. Dipper found it uncomfortable to call her AI so he decided to give her a name.

(Name) is what he has chosen. At first he was okay with the robot, giving her kisses, cuddles and saying I love you to her and do things couples do. But that still didn't satisfy his needs, she was just a robot after all.

Then something happened, it surprised Dipper.

"Master" The AI called out. "Hm? What's wrong (Name)?" Dipper looked up from his paperwork looking at the girl who stood before him.

"What are emotions?"

"Eto... Emotions are... When someone feels strongly about something, and if that something is good then they feel happy, but if that something is bad, then, they feel sad" Dipper replied avoiding eye contact with the AI.

"But there are many more emotions, like, anger, fear, jealousy, hate, surprise, curiosity" Dipper added.

"I see"

Dipper Gleeful One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now