The Start Of Sweet Revenge

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Multicoloured mist appeared in a burnt out crop circle in the middle of a destroyed meadow. Three smoked figures emerged from within the mist along with a loud roar as the dragon landed. As the smoke and mist began to fade, Link, Shadow and Elsie looked around to see where they had landed.

Destroyed meadows laid on the ground, broken and burnt trees stood barely alive and within the distances, a castle that was centuries old but looked as if not touched, stood tall.

Link looked over to the castle and a smirk plastered itself across his face.

"Now this is what I am talking about." Link spoke.

"You mean, you created this?" Shadow questioned.

"Yes and no. I mean, this dimension was lost until I..." Link looked at Shadow who seemed to have an annoyed expression on her face. "I mean we found it. Now this will be our new home. I just have some work to do." Link spoke as he climbed on top of the dragon's back. "You two go and explore. I will see you shortly." And with that, Link flew off into the distance, making his way to the castle.

Elsie and Shadow watched as Link flew off and then looked at each other.

"Well I guess this means we get to see what this new home of ours is like then." Elsie spoke.

The two women walked off in the direction of the castle, ready to enjoy their first day in their new home.


As Link climbed off the dragon's back, he noticed that he was in a graveyard. He looked around at all of the graves and smiled to himself. He walked over to the front row of graves and held his hands out towards them all.

"Sor drachen du" He muttered as black mist fluttered from his hands and shot into every single one of the graves.

Link looked at all of the graves and noticed that transparent ghostly figures rose from them. As he looked around at all of the figures, he noticed that they were all men or boys. And then something clicked within him.

"Hello my fellow men and boys. I know you do not know me so let me introduce myself. My name is Link Snow. I am a dark elf. I have two friends with me on this land, Shadow and Elsie. We have come to save you, but I also am in need of your help. You see, my sister, who is in another dimension, is after me and has threatened to start war against me. I have no army, it is just us three." Link looked around at everyone and noticed that they did not look impressed.

Link then closed his eyes and raised his hands slightly. "Dawnson zo zine" Mist flowed from his hands and into every single ghostly figure in front of him.

"Now, is that better?" He questioned.

"What makes you think we want to help you?" One shouted.

"Yeah, dark elves are the reason we were dead in the first place." Another snapped.

"I am nothing like them. I promise you that." Link said as he crossed his fingers behind his back.

The figures in the graveyard looked around at each other and then back at Link.

"We will help." A man spoke up.

Link looked at them all and smiled.

"Thank you. First things first I..." He began but was cut off by a man standing in front of him.

"No need to tell us what to do. We have been here before." He began. "Come on lads, suit up and onto the training fields." He spoke as they all walked off past Link and to the castle.

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