two; the thing you love most

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two; the thing you love most

WHEN HELEN WOKE UP, there was a chiming in the distance. She recognized it immediately as that of the clock tower and couldn't help the smile on her face as she lay in bed, knowing that it was still working. As she pushed herself out of bed, she grabbed her notebook from her nightstand and crossed to her window. She pushed it open wide, letting the warm morning air into the room before swinging her legs over the sill and sitting down. Helen jotted down the dream she'd had in quick points so that she had all the details she needed before going back in detail.

She sighed as she flipped the page back and looked at her notes from the day before. It was the same people in her dreams yet again. Same people that had been in her dreams for as long as she could remember. Helen shook herself from her thoughts, closing her notebook and getting up from the window.

After dressing and throwing everything she'd need in her bag, she left her room and made her way to the kitchen. From across the island, she could see her uncle passed out on the couch, a beer bottle in one hand and several more on the coffee table in front of him. She looked away as her heart clenched and started preparing her breakfast, making sure to prepare extra to leave for her uncle, hoping he would actually eat it instead of just having more beer.

He didn't stir as she cooked her scrambled eggs, and he didn't even move as she took away the bottles and left the extra eggs in their place. Helen then gathered her bag and her skateboard from next to the door, then left the apartment, not looking back at her uncle as she closed the door. Outside the air was warm and the sun was bright. The brunette set her skateboard down and started heading in the direction of Granny's.


THERE WAS NOTHING THAT SOPHIE SWANN loved more than the warm sun beating down on her with the cool ocean breeze sending her hair fluttering behind her. At the helm of the Black Ace, Sophie felt like there was nothing that she couldn't do, no place she couldn't reach and nothing that could stop her from having a good time. To add to her joy was her older brother Henry, standing next to her. Oh, the adventures she would have with her brother by her side.

"Do you know where you're going, Soph?" Henry asked, looking at his compass.

"Should I?" she questioned.

"Yes," he insisted. "You could be sailing right into dangerous waters."

"I said I didn't know where I was going not that I don't know where I am," she said. "Besides, where's your sense of adventure? How can we explore mysterious new lands and magical new places if we always stick to what we know?"

"I traded my sense of adventure for my common sense since I was going to be travelling with you," Henry said.

"Ouch," she said, clutching a hand over her heart. "You know that I have common sense."

"Yes, you just don't listen to it."

"Hey," she said, laughing now. "I do so! I would not be a very good captain if I didn't listen to common sense at all. I would just be a very boring one if I listened to it all the time."

"That's exactly my point."

Sophie rolled her eyes and bumped her brother's shoulder as they both laughed. It was good to be sailing with him. It always was. She turned her eyes down to her crew, watching them as they milled about doing their jobs. A smile pulled at her lips. This really was the perfect crew. The only thing she would change is the addition of her parents, they were always fun to sail with. But it was still nice to have some time away from them.

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