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Zayn laughed so loud. His hand clapping on his right leg. Harry frowned at Liam, unsure of what he heard. Liam palmed his face, feeling a bit embarrassed now and wanting to take back what he said. But no, he shakes his head and encourages himself to finish what he started.

"Pardon me? Can you say it again? I didn't understand." Harry scoots closer to them, the entertainment by Louis and Niall must've filled his ears not to hear what Liam had said.

Zayn was calming now, though still can't get enough from laughing. He drank a glass of water before he could be 88% okay. "I'm sorry. I just got carried away. What was it again?" He told Liam.

By the time he was about to discuss it, Louis was by his side already, leaving Niall singing alone. Louis swigged on his glass, before joining the discussion.

"Okay, here it is. I know both of you have no regrets taking your marriage. I mean, you have no lovers that will chase you or something like that." He started, both Zayn and Harry nodded at him, because hell, it's the truth.

"So, I came out on the idea that why don't you give your marriage a shot? Like, know each other well, memorize each other then if time has come for you, maybe you'll fall in love." Liam explained, making Harry's mouth agape.

Zayn, who was trying to be serious, still holding back to chortle. He was shaking his head. He turned to Louis. "You know this, Lou? Have you talked to him about this? This is crazy." He chuckled a bit.

"Yeah. Niall knows about this too." Louis shrugged. Harry raised a brow, so their friends are taking this as an easy mathematical situation. "Why don't you try it. It feels good to fall in love, and to be loved back." Louis added.

"Hey, no offense to both of you. Zayn and I really respect your relationship, but, we are not like you, guys. That's why we react this way." Harry told them, Zayn still laughing lowly beside him.

Zayn cleared his throat before he sat up straight. "Alright, this is what I am going to tell you." He started, he put his arms around Harry's shoulder. "I and Harry respect each other so much. Our marriage just serves as a commitment to the company and the advantages of it. You'll never understand." Zayn explained.

Harry agreed to him. "We found a unique friendship with each other, so what you're saying might ruin everything we have." He said, by the time, Niall was already sitting with them.

"I told them it won't work with you two," Niall commented.

"Have you not know, we barely got into a relationship before we got married?" Harry now started to chuckle, his palm on his face. Shaking his head.

"That's it!" Liam exclaimed, wanting to prove his point. "I have thought about that, a man can never live his life alone. I asked myself why you two haven't found someone, maybe you two are for each other. Are you getting my point?" He asked, looking so desperately to sound convincing to them.

Zayn shakes his head. "We are too busy with business, that's the reason why we haven't found someone." He reasoned out.

"I don't believe that. Even your fathers who built your company found love and created a beautiful family." Liam insisted.

The couple didn't answer. Both chose to ignore the last statement. They did ask their selves the same question when they were alone at night back then. They did long for someone to hold them, to love them. They did ask for someone to warm their cold nights.

"Why not we try this site tonight?" Louis told them, bring out his phone from his pocket and unlocking it. "When Liam and I had our 2nd anniversary, a friend sent me this site. It will make you know if you're a bottom or a top." He says, pressing some buttons on his phone.

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