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Okay, so you have been missing alot of events. Wait, actually no. There's only one events. And that event is














The apocalypse. Yeah we survive for only 14 days. I mean, How displeasing is that. And you're wondering who is 'we'. Well 'we' means four of us, Me, My Pleased Sister,the most annoying Jason and......Ty. Jason kept telling us how he is fabulous and his fans loved him. But we seriously didnt do anything. We just keep walking. It was in the afternoon.

Then, out of nowhere, there's a loud sound of a gunshot near us. I could feel something metal went into my heart. I looked down to see a bullet.

I fell on my knees. My hands are shaking. Sis,Ty and Jason kept staring at me with wide eyes.

I fell to the ground and every thing around me became VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY dark black.

Meanwhile, a person went over to his body. And that person is...

Displeased Mitch. "Oops! Sorry Adam! My finger slipped" Mitch says. Note the sarcasm. Ty then yelled, surprising everyone at that statement," LET'S GO TO STARBUCKS!" They all nodded and all went together to Starbucks leaving thier friend behind.
~ A week later~

Adam's funeral was today. His relatives were all crying and blah blah blah. Jason still kept saying that he is still fabulous. Adam's Pleased Sister is a bit sad because she has no one to spy on. But she thinks that Jason will be her next victim. Displeased Mitch is always Displeased Mitch. Mitch keep repeating 'I Regret Nothing'. Ty? Well he doesnt even care and didnt go to the funeral.    


       And that's the end of

       Displeasd Adam's Life.

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