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......................................................................displeased........................................................................ there's something wrong with Ty. He kept saying I hate everyone for no reason.We went to the doctor and found out that Ty has a I hate everyone virus. It displeases me even more. Jason started to be more sassy than last last last year. He says that he is fabulous, awesome, cool and......whateva. I caught him saying ' I poop in my pants to show my awesomenes', I mean who does that, so I banned him using my displeased face. So now I'm sittin in toilet, staring at nothing. It makes me more displeased. My bathroom door flung open. And there was Bodil. He didnt even knock." Bodil, can you please show some displeased respect?" I exclaimed. But the displeased thing is, he keep repeating 'despair' while walking. Bodil approached me and throw a splash potion of poison. I displeasingly started to cough. "Say something, I'm running out of time. Say something...." Bodil sang then laugh like an insane mad man. 'DISPLEASED MAN! DISPLEASED!' I thought.Then I realized that I could respawn. Five displeasingly minutes later,I died. I blamed it on Jason. Bodil pick up my displeased body and put it on the hot water tub.

          The End


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