Prologue Part 7: Survivors

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 The cold winds from the north sent chills down my body, but I didn't care. I turned my head one last time, to the home I was leaving behind. The memories I had of better times turned from my sunny rays of comfort to a heavy reminder of what I had lost. The one time I got to see the moon's glow through the clouds after so long, the person I care about isn't here to enjoy its beauty.

After one last look at the painful reality, I sluggishly descended down the steep hillside. The woods were dark, the trees were far more desaturated than my last visit into the forest. The trees were a deep grey and the leaves were a much darker autumn brown. The only plants that seemed to be flourishing were varying sizes of mushrooms. Some of which glimmered with various light. On the more unwelcoming sight, so did large thickets of briar. Much like everything else in this forest, the sheer size made me feel so small, so fragile. I looked in both directions but it seemed to go on for miles as if trying to keep me out.

I could see a slightly bigger gap in the thorn littered branches. My legs ached from walking so far with no sign of the spirit tree. I didn't know which way was right. I just wanted to get away, away from everything. Stared into the thorns. I took one step in, pulling my left hoof beside my right. I knew there was no going back at this point, no room to turn around.

I put one hand out, pushing against the knarled branches. The thorns dug into my hand. I took another step. The branches slashed at my arms. I took another step. The thorns tore at my legs. I took another step. All I could feel was agony. A cry escaped me, but I knew no one could hear my call. I tried to move, but my leg would not budge. It was caught in the briar's grasp. I pulled and yanked, but the only thing the gave was my other leg. I slipped and hit the rocky earth. There was a sickening crack before an immediate surge of torment overwhelmed me.

I felt like my leg had been engulfed in a white-hot flame. I felt sick to the stomach and my vision spun. I don't know how long I screamed, I felt like sand was scraping against my throat. My vision fogged up and became a blur. I slowly pulled myself from the briar. It was cold. The wind blew over my blood-soaked fur. I dare not look down at my torn up legs, afraid of what I would see. My vision was swimming and there was a throbbing pain in my head. I could feel nothing but a num pain in my legs.

Dragged myself across the ground. The stones and pebbles scraped away at me. With each breath I could feel a little more of my strength slip from my body. I felt so tired and cold. All of the strength in my body vanished with a final breath. A deep crimson pooled around me. I didn't even have the strength to breathe, or even blink. My vision was rapidly becoming darker and darker. Yet even when everything was gone, I could feel as if Naru was there, lifting me up in her arms, pulling me close. "I will take care of you, Ori."

I reawoke to faint crackling that echoed around me. Something glowed from beyond my closed eyes. It was warm and welcoming, I tried to move, so I could reach the warmth, but the slightest twitch sent waves of pain through my body. "Just rest." I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. "We will talk in the morning."

A/N: Both because I am cursed to right short chapters and the fact I love to hate cliffhangers I am ending this chapter here before you continue if the next chapter is out I would like to see some guesses about who was talking to him.

This is also the end of the Prologue which is why I am ending this chapter here.

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