3. a change in heart. ♣️

21 1 0

wonpil's POV

i sat in my car balling my eyes out for maybe 10 minutes before i rubbed my eyes and sniffed. i thought about the situation. i shouldn't have been crying over a girl like this. i put my car in reverse, and pulled out of the driveway. i put my car back in drive and proceeded to drive away from the house. i felt more tears well up in my eyes as i struggled to keep my hands from shaking on the wheel. i pulled into the gas station that stood next to the road, and pulled into a parking space. i immediately turned off my car and took my hands off the wheel, placing them in my lap. i decided i'd try and calm myself down by going into the store. i grabbed my keys and wallet, and stepped out of the car. there weren't many cars parked, which was good i guess. i walked into the store and thanked an older lady holding the door for me. "you are a very handsome man." she said to me, smiling. i felt myself blush and smile as i thanked her. "your very welcome." she said, entering the store after me. she looked to be in her late 60s, if not, older. i walked around the small store, looking for anything i could get. i went over to the small cafe area, and decided i'd order me a frappe or something along that line. i spotted the elder lady standing in line in front of me. i looked up at the menu indecisively. i overheard some commotion in front of me. "are you an idiot?" the cashier asked the old lady annoyed. i tuned into the conversation, curiously. "ma'am how can you not see the menu, i just put it in front of your face." the cashier said holding a menu in front of her face. "i'm so sorry miss, could you please read me the flavors of the smoothie?" the lady asked politely. "why. the menu is right here." the cashier said frustratedly. "miss- i'm sorry.. but i can't read." the lady said sadly. i felt sympathy immediately, as i have a grandma that can't read. "you can't READ? how do you not know how to read, are you an idiot?" the cashier asked, rudely laughing. i clenched his fists and took a step forward, next to the elder. "excuse me. the flavors of the smoothies are banana, strawberry, blueberry, cherry, and peach mango." i said, bending down to the lady's level. the cashier rolled her eyes and scoffed quietly, but noticeably. "i'm sorry, but that is a very serious disability, and it should surely not be made fun of. i have a grandma who can't read and it's not a joke." i said defensively to the cashier. the old lady thanked me, and continued on to tell the cashier that she would like a medium peach mango smoothie. the cashier once again rolled her eyes, and punched her order into the computer. "that will be 7 dollars." she said annoyed. i was still standing by the lady, in case she were to be insulted again. the lady pulled a 5 dollar bill from her purse, and placed it on the counter. she began searching for another 2 dollars in her purse but couldn't find any loose bills or money. "ma'am if you only have 5 dollars then you can't have the smoothie. sorry." the cashier said, rudely throwing her money back at her. i bent down to pick up the lady's money, and pulled out 2 dollars from my wallet and placed the money on the counter. "7 dollars, are we good now? please go and get her her smoothie." i said, placing a hand on the lady's shoulder. the cashier looked at me then at the money. she gritted her teeth and printed a receipt, and began to walk into the employee only room. the lady paced a shaky hand on my arm. "thank you so much. you are so kind. i wish you the best." she said with a smile on her face. i smiled back at her and leaned down on her level. i pulled a bit of money from my wallet, and slipped it in her purse. "no one deserves to be treated like that, thank you for being strong." i said smiling sadly. the lady grabbed the money from her purse and gasped. "100 dollars? that's far too much money!! take it back." she said holding her arm out. i pushed her arm back towards her. "keep it. you deserve it." i said, standing back up straight. the lady smiled, with teary eyes. the cashier returned with the smoothie. i stuck my hands in my pockets, as she rolled her eyes and placed the lady's smoothie in front of her. "miss, may i please have a straw?" the lady asked politely. the cashier just walked away, ignoring her question. i got someone's attention. "excuse me- may you please get this lady a straw for her smoothie??" i asked a man who was wearing an apron, pacing around. the man stopped in his tracks and walked back towards me. "i'm sorry i couldn't hear that, what?" he asked, removing his earbud from his ear. "could you please get this lady a straw for her smoothie??" i asked politely, pointing at the lady who was standing there patiently smiling. "of course, give me a second." he said, smiling slightly. i nodded and smiled back. "thank you." the lady thanked me once again. i smiled and nodded. the man returned with the lady's straw, about 2 minutes later. "sorry, i got caught up in a drive through order. enjoy your smoothie!!" he said cheerfully. that's when i noticed the manager badge on his shirt. i thought for a minute. "can i take your order?" he asked, looking at me. i hesitated. "um no thanks- i have a small complaint though... about one of your cashiers.." i said, feeling nervous. "oh? which one?? and what happened?" the manager asked, leaning a bit forward. i explained the situation and then proceeded to describe what she looked like. just then the same cashier walked out of the employee room. "her.. the blonde one." i said, not wanting to point. the manager immediately knew who i was talking about and thanked me, telling me i was free to leave. i nodded and gave him a smile before heading out of the cafe section. i felt my stomach rumble but didn't really feel like eating anything there. i spotted the old lady holding her smoothie and purse outside the store, talking to a younger man, maybe younger than me. i paused. i saw the lady pointing at a car and heard the other guy raise his voice. i walked out of the store and stood before both of them. "is everything alright?" i asked, eyeing the tall boy. "everything is fine i was just asking this young man of he could help me cross the parking lot to my car." the lady said reassuringly. the boy rolled his eyes and pushed past me, entering the store. "aren't you going to help me??" the lady called. the boy didnt turn back. "i'll help you." i offered. she thanked me, and pointed out her husbands car, which was parked at a gas pump. her husband didnt see her, as he was busy pumping gas into the car, turned away from us. i took the lady's purse and smoothie and grabbed her hand with my free arm. i walked the lady across the parking lot carefully. we reached her car, when her husband turned around. "oh hey- you made it. who is this young man??" he asked politely, holding out his hand to me. i handed the lady her things and shook his hand. "i'm wonpil, i was just helping her around." i replied smiling. "he gave us some money. he helped me buy a smoothie and he helped me cross the street. he's a very kind soul." the lady said, looking at me with a smile. i nodded, and smiled as well. "why, thank you so much! she's having a bit of trouble.. thank you for helping!" the man said, looking down at me with a smile. "your welcome, im glad i could help." i replied, waving at both of them. "goodbye!! thank you again!!!! keep being yourself!" the lady yelled waving at me. i laughed to myself and waved back. i turned around and returned to my car. i hopped into the driver seat, and let my car run for a few minutes. i put my car in reverse and pulled out of the parking lot and headed back on the road. i began driving back in the direction i came from. i pulled back up in the driveway to the place i dreaded to go. i sat in my car for a few minutes, staring out the front window. i felt my stomach churning. i sighed. i grabbed my keys and stepped out of the car nervously. i slowly walked over to the front door. i stood there for a few seconds before opening the door and entering. irene's little dog immediately came and attacked me as soon as he saw me. i smiled and kneeled down next to him. he began licking me causing me to laugh. "okay okay. i know you missed me." i said, laughing. irene entered the room to see what the dog was barking about. i looked up at her and stood up. i immediately looked away and took a seat on the couch. "so where'd you go?" jae asked, eyeing me. "the gas station." i replied coldly. "for 30 minutes?" jae asked suspiciously. "i helped an old lady who couldnt read or cross the parking lot." i said, removing my shoes. irene looked over at me. "you did what?" she questioned curiously. "i helped an old lady." i replied, as her dog jumped onto the couch and into my lap. i smiled and began to pet him. "thats sweet of you." irene said, smiling slightly. i just nodded and continued to play with irene's dog. irene stared at us for a few minutes, before heading back to her room. jae got up and followed her. i sighed and accepted reality. at least i tried. i had to find a way to accept the fact that jae and irene like each other. even though it may cause me a lot of damage..

AUN~ and now i have to apologize because this chapter is so long- sorry for any misspellings or anything like grammar- i'm in a car on a bumpy ass car ride so that's most likely the cause of my misspelling or bad grammar👁👄👁 but anyways i'll try and update soon, it depends on when i'm free which might not be right away.

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