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Feet scramble across the floor as the school bell rings, indicating the start of the first period on the first day of their senior year in highschool.


Chairs squeak across the floor and chatter dies down a little, but as no teacher walks in, students continue talking and laughing with their friends. Each and every student except her.

There has to be a reason behind her not having any friends, and she's usually told that she's stuck up and arrogant, that she thinks too highly of herself, that she likes to boss everyone around.

Practically, she thinks, she's not the boss, she's the leader, the student council president. That nerd who sticks to rules like a glue, that's her. And the teacher being late for their first class isn't something that makes her delighted.

Eunbi sighs, leaning back in her chair as she keeps her eyes on the door before shifting them to the clock. She does that a few more times until a solid twenty minutes have passed.

The door finally opens, and all heads turn to it as a teacher walks in.


Point one, she notes, he's a new teacher as I've never seen him before. Point two, he's quite young and I hear a girl or two screaming behind me. Point three, I don't think I'll like him.

He's dressed in skinny ripped jeans and a plain white shirt. His sunglasses are sitting on his nose, hiding most of his face. Still, no one can deny he's got the looks. He runs a hand through his dark locks, stopping in place for a few seconds before taking slow steps to the teacher's desk.

Throwing himself on the chair, he drops his backpack, slowly taking off his sunglasses. The girl first notices his blood-shot puffy eyes, tiredly scanning the class.

He sighs, running his hand through his hair a few more times before talking.

"Hey," He says in a raspy voice and a few more girls squeal.

"Look," He raises his hands and everyone falls silent. "I know you're all juniors and allㅡ"

"Seniors," Eunbi interrupts.

He rolls his eyes. "Yeah, whatever, and half of you probably tried alcohol by now behind their parent's backs so I'm gonna speak to you like adults."

Everyone shares awkward glances as he goes on.

"I'm hangover," He says, "I drank too much last night and I shouldn't've 'cause I have class today bla bla bla. My point is, I have a migraine and I'm gonna sleep now, and if my sleep is interrupted, I won't hesitate to make you fail my class."

It falls dead quiet.

He stretches his lips into a forced smile. "Thank you."

Crossing his arms, he leans them on his desk and lays his head. A few seconds pass before he starts snoring, and the whole class is still silent is shock. The silence is cut out when a few girls start talking in whispers about how hot the new teacher is.

Sighing, Eunbi walks up to his desk and slightly taps his shoulder.

"Excuse me, sir," She says, slowly knocking on his desk.

Students seem to notice as they fall silent again, watching her in anticipation.

He groans loudly and looks up at me, hair dishelved and eyes even puffier, if possible.

"What did I say about waking me up?" He says.

Shs clears her throat. "I'm sorry, but you haven't introduced yourself."

"I'll literally make sure you get an F on your paper," He raises an eyebrow.

"I believe this is against the rules," She replies.

He rolls his eyes again, rubbing his face with his hands. "These rules can kiss my ass. Go back to your seat and don't wake me up again."

The bell rings abruptly, and he lets out a breath, picking up his backpack and heading out of class.

"That was so rude of you!" Some girl yells.

She ignores her and walks back to her seat, sitting down.

They whisper a little more, about his face, and the president's horrible attitude towards him.

As the day comes to an end, shs puts him on the top of the list of teachers she should file a report against. After all, the principal counts on her in that.


A/N: another book I'll never finish lmao

Enjoy :)

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