Ch3: Jimin Is Tired

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Jimin is tired.

It is his third day working at school and there he is in the hallways, walking towards that class that he oh so despises with a huge travel mug in his hand, filled with coffee that Hoseok prepared for him in the early morning with a little note saying "Good luck :D" before he headed off to his own workplace. It was one of the little things that actually made Jimin smile in the morning despite his throbbing head and faint yet persistent guilt.

He walks in the class, grunting at the loud chatter that only makes his head pound harder. Settling the mug on his desk, he bangs it three times until all the students fall silent and divert their attention towards him.

"Anyone who makes noise will be kicked out," He says calmly, his sunglasses still perched on his nose bridge. Bright lights especially in the morning were a huge trigger for Jimin's endless headaches.

"You." He points at the girl sitting in the front desk. "What did we last take?"

"We started the first chapter," Eunbi says, "But only the first two pages. And you didn't give us any homework."

Jimin sighs, grabbing the textbook and skimming through the pages of the first chapter again. He should have prepared the lesson, he knows he should, but he was too caught up last night overthinking his situation, wondering why his mother did not call him yet to beg him to come home. He can call her to ask, but his ego wouldn't let him.

His ego that is too big he did not want to move in with his girlfriend when he is practically homeless. The idea of relying on a woman is something he can not accept. It's just a concept he grew up with. I'm a man. How can I depend on a woman's money. Perhaps it's something that doesn't make him feel like a real man.

At the end of the long tedious session, Jimin assignes the students the whole exercises of the first chapter due tomorrow. They whine in protest but he couldn't care less, grabbing his now empty mug and leaving that hellhole.


"Good afternoon."

Jimin looks up from his mobile phone, eyes locking with some familiar tall young teacher. He was sitting in the teachers room at his desk, playing some game when the man interrupted him.

"Hey," Jimin replies.

"I'm Kim Namjoon. We met at Mr.Kim's office?" He says with a dimpled smile.

Jimin furrows his eyebrows. "Who the hell is Mr.Kim?"

Namjoon blinks. "The principal?"

"Ah," Jimin says, craning his neck to look at the other guy, "You mean Jin."

"Yes," Namjoon says, pausing briefly to look around the room, "We are going out tonight to have dinner together and some drinks. Would you like to join us?"

"We as in.. "

"The teachers."

Jimin throws a glance around the room. Most of the teachers are not so young, with receding hairlines and ugly thick rimmed glasses. One teacher is snoring loudly at the corner, drool coming out of his mouth. Another has been staring at her laptop screen with non blinking eyes for three whole minutes. The one on his right hasㅡ oh nevermind, Jimin stares her up and down, she's hot.

With raised eyebrows, he turns his head back to Namjoon.

"I think I'll pass," He says.

Namjoon chuckles. "No, they're not coming with us. It's only me, Mr.Jeon, Mr.Min, Miss Lee and Miss Choi. Oh, Mr.Kim is coming, too."

"You guys should start calling each other by your first names," Jimin says.

"We do," Namjoon smiles, "Not in here, though. Only outside school. You know, we try to keep it professional."

"Whose treat is it?" Jimin asks.

Namjoon pauses for a second. "We split the bill usually."

"Then I'll pass."

Namjoon opens his mouth to speak again, but he's cut off by a ringtone. Jimin states at the caller ID for a second then answers.

"Hey Jimin! Guess what? Mark is having a party tonight at his villa and I think it'll be legit. Come over with your Porsche, I'll be waiting for you at aroundㅡ"

"Yunho," Jimin interrupts, "I can't. I don't have the Porsche anymore."

"That's fine. Bring the Ferrari."

"I don't have that either."

"...Your dad's BMW?"

Jimin sighs. "I don't have any of that. Dad kicked me out and took my cars."

"Oh," Yunho pauses for a while, "See you later then. Bye."

And with that, he ends the call. There goes another friend. It has been like that ever since Jimin's dad kicked him out. His friends who swore to be with him through thick and thin drop him like nothing once they find out he doesn't have all that money anymore. Jimin doesn't care; his head is preoccupied with a million other thing more important than some gold diggers.

Jimin looks back up again, but Namjoon isn't standing in front of him anymore. He's now at his own desk, flipping the pages of some book.

"Hey," Jimin calls, freezing when he realises he didn't pay attention to the man's name. "Uhh, tall dude with glasses!"

Namjoon averts his gaze towards Jimin, glaring. "It's Kim Namjoon. You should learn it by now. It's your third time hearing it."

Jimin opens his mouth to speak, but he closes it back again. He was so ready for a second to throw a sassy comeback, but it hit him that he was going to ask if he could join the teachers for a drink. But with the passive aggressiveness of the tall dude and the fact that Jimin's pockets are empty, he decides it's better to let it go. He can drink alone at home.

"Yeah, nevermind," Jimin finally says, leaning back in his chair and resuming the game.


A/N: look at me getting creative with the chapters titles

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