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His eyes slightly stung, dust flying into the air as he dragged the broom across the warped tiles of the kitchen.
Okuyasu swatted dust from his nostrils and coughed briefly into his fist.
He never noticed how much the two brothers had let the place go. And Keicho would tend to ignored this notion and do nothing about it.
Okuyasu could do what he pleased as head of the house now. Throwing the broom aside, Okuyasu stumbled to the kitchen counter, and fumbling with a paper bag he left there last night. Josuke's mom was generous enough to give Okuyasu some portions of leftover rice and veggies for his lunch today. He hadn't smelled or saw such beautiful food in years. For once, school would be exciting for him. The moment the bell would ring, he'd throw open his lunch and make that rice and veggies extinct. Okuyasu gripped tightly to the paper bag lunch and tore into the next room. The living room was musty and gloomy, the blinds permanently nailed to the window frame, and the couch cushions scratched and  eaten out by moths. Okuyasu never got to those windows quite yet. He then and there decided to make it his little project after school.
Shoving the lunch amongst textbooks and notebooks in his book bag, he slung it over his head and ran to the door.  "Oku!" He heard a familiar voice blabber.
Okuyasu spun around to see his father squatting at the top of the stairs, his bulging eyes carefully eyeing Okuyasu.
"I gotta go to school, pops," Okuyasu sighed, reaching down to tug on his bright green shoes. His dad let out a litany of confused whimpers and blubbering.
Okuyasu glanced up at his dad once again. "I'll back dad, just hang in there please."
Turning to the door, he swung it open and sped outside. Leaping off the porch, he tore through the lawn and threw open the gate.
Okuyasu knew the school would have his ass if he was late again to first period. He would keep sleeping in and missing a good portion of class in the morning.
Without warning, Okuyasu was suddenly brought into contact with something, flying back, and hitting the ground butt first.
Okuyasu glanced up, to see the thing...no the person he collided with.
In front of him laying on the ground, was Josuke. Josuke groaned and slowly sat up, rubbing the back of his head. Okuyasu felt his stomach churn vigorously, as he jumped to his feet. "Oh shit, sorry bro!" Okuyasu exclaimed, scuttling over to give Josuke a hand.
Hoisting him up, Josuke gently brushed up against his chest, his pompadour resting beneath Okuyasu's chin. His heart raced, as Josuke softly pushed away from him, now face to face with the nervous boy.
"I was going to come wait for you at your house," he began, sheepishly rubbing at the back of his neck. Okuyasu cracked a tiny smile, his heart once again fluttering for some unknown reason.
"We usually walk to school from your house. I normally meet you there," Okuyasu pointed out in a slightly nervous tone.
"I wanted to stop by your house this time," Josuke chuckled. "I wanted to switch things up."
The two stared up at one another in a long hanging silence.
The morning sun made Josuke's features gently glow, as if they were radiating starlight.
Okuyasu felt that ever so familiar and confusing churn in his gut as his palms were slippery with sweat.
Why? Why was his heart pumping so fast?
Perhaps, this morning was for Okuyasu...
This beautiful warm morning with that stunning boy, that stunning boy who took away his breath.
Okuyasu nibbled on his bottom lip. Were friends supposed to admire one another like that?
Josuke pulled a genuine smile against his lips and stepped forward to nudge his friend on the shoulder.
"Hey, we should probably start heading out, or else we'll both be late."
His hands were warm. Josuke gave him no warning, as candlestick fingers snaked onto his hand, pulling him forward.
Those early morning hues of light bounced off Josuke's bright pompadour, and sliding on and off his uniform.
Okuyasu couldn't keep up with him in that moment. Eyes could only gaze at the masterpiece that was in front of him.
He just had to smile at Josuke and savor that sight. He didn't understand why he felt this way, but it felt new and fresh.
Angry car horns, leaping across the street, tearing across the park, rushing past lush green shrubbery, it all was such a dream.
Okuyasu couldn't hold himself together as Josuke turned his head to meet his eyes and happily grin. It set Okuyasu off into a sudden state of astonishment. Could a human being really smile like that?
Those gentle fingers slid from his hand, and the illusion was gone in less than a second. Okuyasu blinked a couple times, feeling dizzy against the bright sunlight.
"Looks like we're good on time for once," Josuke chortled, swiveling on his heels to face Okuyasu. As his deep ocean eyes scanned his friend, Josuke looked different. His eyes widened and he aimed his eyes at each of Okuyasu's features.
His cheeks were hit in that moment, Okuyasu quickly shifting his attention to the sky above him, slowly brushing past Josuke. "Should we get going to first period?" Okuyasu asked in a confused tone.
Josuke gathered his senses and nodded sheepishly.
"It feels awkward all of a sudden," Josuke blabbered in a hushed tone.
His mother eyed him with the "look", and smiled.
"How so, drama queen?" She prodded.
Josuke put a finger to his mouth, shushing her gently.
He followed his gaze back to the living room, where his friend sat innocently on the floor, violently jiggling at the game controller clutched in his hand, immersed completely in the video game.
Tomoko frowned, glancing at Okuyasu then back at her son.
"I don't understand what you're suddenly so nervous about," Tomoko admitted in a puzzled voice. "You two have been almost inseparable these past couple of weeks. I don't recall you two being apart ever since you met."
Josuke groaned, knowing very well that everything he was about to tell her, would be a completely different concept to her. Who was he kidding? Boys can't and don't know how to express emotions, nonetheless share them.
"I don't know, I don't know," Josuke blabbered in a childish quiver. "It's just when I look at him now, I feel different."
"Different how?" Tomoko asked.
"I guess...I guess I feel..." Josuke felt his throat close up as his thoughts swirled. How could he explain it? It was a jumble of feelings and thoughts he couldn't just summarize.
Okuyasu felt different in his head now. Josuke would pay attention to him more, and would stare at him in silence as he felt his stomach flip against his gut.
"I feel...petrafied...like I'm enchanted or something'."
Tomoko paused briefly, in deep thought.
She stares back over at Okuyasu. "He's a very sweet boy. Anyone would be enchanted by him."
Josuke sighed. "I just...when I'm around him now everything feels like a dream."
His mom stares at him in silence, but beams. "I think he's your first good friend, hon," she concludes. "I'm sure that's why you feel this way."
That felt right...yeah that was right.
Josuke couldn't hold eye contact with Tomoko for much longer. Aiming a shaky glance back toward a focused Okuyasu, his heartbeat slowed down and he felt fuzzy and warm.
"Don't try and sit on those thoughts too much, kiddo," Tomoko advised, patting her son on the back.
Josuke could only give her an understood nod, as he clambered sheepishly into the living room to join Okuyasu.
Plopping next to him, Josuke reached for the second controller, and firmly grasped it, hardly noticing that his hands were shaking.
Okuyasu hadn't noticed Josuke, as he continued to smash angrily at the controller buttons and joystick, the TV crackling with loud bangs and video game associated noises.
The screen went red, flashing the ever so unfortunate words, "Game Over".
Okuyasu grumbled to himself and placed the controller down to angrily wave his hands about, talking to himself
"Josuke, how the hell am I supposed to beat this fuckin game," Okuyasu snorted, turning to face and his blushing pompadour friend.
Josuke maneuvers the joystick to start the level over again and enter as a second player. "I've played this game over and over," Josuke assured. "It's just a matter of getting the hang of it."
Words don't describe moments like those.
That's all Josuke could mouth to himself, the evening draft brushing against the curtains. Okuyasu was hyped up on the game, as if Josuke was alone in that moment, in awe at how moments like these could leave such an impact on him. Gatherings like this was a rarity in his life, never having the chance to grow close to a friend such as Okuyasu.
This friendship was supposed to fail on day one, knowing their origin of meeting. They were supposed to want to kill one another.
"I suppose moments like these can test boundaries such as that," Josuke whispered to himself, watching Okuyasu yell and laugh as the game unfolded in front of them.
Uncontrollable laughter, loud arguing, exasperated groans, filled the room as the two boys navigated their way through their awkwardness.
Perhaps it was their shared understanding of trauma, or their bond in the complicated world of stands, but Josuke felt linked to Okuyasu. He couldn't understand why he made him swell with content, but he knew he didn't want to stop feeling this way.
"I s'pose it's getting kinda late," Okuyasu mentioned as the game over screen flashed on the TV mockingly once again.
Josuke felt his familiar illusion shatter again, as Okuyasu stumbled onto his feet, placing the controller back down.
He stepped closer to Josuke, gesturing him to stand up so he could give him their regular "bro fistbump."
"I gotta make sure my dad is doing alright," Okuyasu sighed, first bumping Josuke, and immediately shuffling out of the room.
"Okuyasu, I left a bag of our leftovers for you and your dad," Tomoko called out. "Don't forget to grab it on your way out, sweetpea!"
"Thank you Ms.Josuke's Mom!" Okuyasu called back to her, darting into the kitchen.
Josuke followed close behind.
As he trailed behind to the front door, he tapped Okuyasu on the shoulder. "Hey bro, what are you up to this weekend?" Josuke casually prodded, feeling suddenly clingy and stupid.
Okuyasu munched on his bottom lip out of habit, and pondered on the question. "Cleaning up my house and takin' care of pops," Okuyasu replied with a slightly disappointed tone.
"I'm just thinking maybe," Josuke began. "I could come over, and...like help out."
Okuyasu looked shocked for a moment, holding onto that response in a confused gaze. "I mean sure Josuke, I'd love your help," Okuyasu stuttered. "But I don't know if you'd wanna come back to my house. That's where all that nonsense began."
Josuke firmly shook his head, his heart pounding against his rib cage to the point he felt his chest rattle.
"No no, it's aight," Josuke assured. "Cleaning your house shouldn't be a one man job."
That infamous goody grin took Josuke aback, his hands shaking. "Thanks, bro!" Okuyasu grinned.
Josuke fumbled against his words and only nodded. "Yeah man, friends gotta be there for friends..."
Josuke stood at the foot of the door for thirty minutes after Okuyasu left, his mouth dry, yet sweet like honey and cake.
That feeling was slightly new.
Hey germs I hope everyone is doing alright. My sincere apology not pushing this out sooner, I was a tad short on ideas.
On that subject, I'd anyone has any fluffy cute ideas please drop them in the comments I need a bit more help to get this fan fiction off the ground.
And OMG we hit 2,000 views, I am so so happy! I wasn't expecting it to get this popular, as there isn't enough appreciation for Josuyasu on this app.
But I wanna make this month very rich in some good chapters since it's pride month. More than anything I hope everyone can celebrate this month. As a trans gay man, I for one am thrilled for pride but am bummed it got cancelled in my state.
But nonetheless let's all remember how we're apart of the rainbow in our own ways! ❤️ except for pedophiles, they shouldn't be in lgbtq what the fuck, it's wrong and creepy and disgusting.
Anyways stay tuned for some of that sweet gay shit as promised.
Peace fam!

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