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Hands shaky and sweaty, the bucket hitting his leg, continued to clamber behind him. Josuke huffed for a brief moment, adjusting his grip on the bucket handle, and the handful of cleaning assortment.
He thanked his lucky stars that Okuyasu just lived down the block.
Josuke's mom dumped their entire supply of cleaning equipment on him. She scolded him for a moment, telling him no funny business, and to clean every speck of dirt or dust in that house. She wanted to give Okuyasu the best impression of the Higashikatad as possible.
That same menacing gate glared back at him, his grip feeling weak on the bucket. The bucket tumbled at his feet as he flung a shaky hand to the gate, flinging it open. Gathering the supplies now falling from his other hand, Josuke hobbled to the front steps, taking each step slowly.
The front porch was still in dismay, stray bits of wood strewn about, the door barely hanging on to its bolt.
A chink of wood crunched beneath his foot as he slipped through the open and broken door, into the ominous and dusty hall that lay ahead.
The room still held a dead and dark aura, but small slivers of light managed to scatter about the room. Most of the windows on the ground floor were still boarded up, dust gathering amongst the raggedy curtains and the warped wood.
Josuke dropped the bucket down along with the sets of sponges and rags his mother forced him to take to Okuyasu.
"Hey, Okuyasu?" Josuke called, taking a step onto the creaking staircase.
No response.
With a cautious eye, Josuke clambered up the staircase, the old wood groaning underneath his weight.
Cold hard familiarity hit Josuke, causing him to shiver. A very faint trail of blood still snaked across the floor from Koichi's unfortunate injury.
Passing the blood without a spare glance, Josuke peeked down the hallway, scanning the doors.
Tracing a finger across the wall, Josuke strode down the hall, peering into the first door. He saw a silhouette against the wall that resembled a figure.
Josuke stepped into the room, face to face with a suddenly surprised Okuyasu.
Something fell from Okuyasu's hand, as it clambered to the floor, and rolled to Josuke's feet.
A small bottle of foundation glinted against the sun streaming from the window.
"J-Josuke I didn't hear you come...." Okuyasu's voice trailed off, his knees slightly buckling.
Josuke glanced around the room, concluding this was Okuyasu's room. The windows, unlike the others, were open and letting in fresh summer air. Okuyasu stood in front of a dresser, with a tiny mirror and a makeup bag resting atop its surface.
Scattered about were all sorts of brushes and powders.
His eyes then met a painful sight.
Strewn about Okuyasu's face, were scars, deep ugly ones that Josuke had never seen before.
He put the pieces together...
Okuyasu followed Josuke's state back to the scars amongst his face. He swirved around and covered his face shamefully.
"Josuke don't look," Okuyasu muttered, his entire body shaking.
"Okuyasu I didn't mean to-."
"Get out Josuke..." Okuyasu whispered in a trembling voice.
As he lifted his hands from his face and turned around, Josuke felt his heart sink.
The two scars that cut down his face like the lines of a baseball had always looked faded and minor.
Only now, he was met with dark and deep lines that cut into his skin like butter.
Okuyasu shook his head and turned back to the dresser, grabbing hold of a brush and a pair of face powders.
Josuke felt achey, his head pounding and his throat running dry.
Why? And how?...
Taking a small step closer to Okuyasu, Josuke reaches out a hand to tap him on the shoulder.
"Okuyasu...I-I'm sorry..."
"Don't apologize Josuke..." Okuyasu said with a sad tone to his voice.
He faced Josuke once again, his scars staring right back at him.
He brought the brush that was heavy with powder to his scars, and began caking them in a layer of lies.
Of déceptions and illusions, and of distant harmful memories.
Josuke could only watch in silence as Okuyasu spread the powder evenly about his face, eventually evening things out. To that clear tan tone his almost perfect skin had.
Almost perfect? Why not perfect? The scars...the scars made him assume that.
Anyone could feel far from perfect with deep and meaningful scars like that.
But as the two stood there, Josuke had no words. A silent pity party? No, he felt no sorrow for Okuyasu, no reason to grieve quite yet. Josuke felt like he didn't have the right to do so. Okuyasu must have been pitiés enough by the whole damn school after learning his brother died.
Pity was all Okuyasu could get...
The brush clambered back onto the dresser as Okuyasu pushed past Josuke in a silent manner. He spoke one word before gliding out of the room. "W-we can start downstairs..."
Time seemed to freeze for those thirty minutes, as Josuke stood frozen in place at the very spot he laid eyes amongst those deep scars.
Pity threatened to crawl from his throat in the form of a shameful array of words. He couldn't just say he was sorry that he had to see him in such a state. What was done was done. And they were only words. They couldn't make effective time on those scars to make them fade away Words couldn't erase the memories and possible trauma that came with those deep rivers of pain on Okuyasu's face.
Josuke circled back to those words he wish he could say as he scrubbed mercilessly at the tiled floor in Okuyasu's kitchen.
How he longed to make things right...
Why? Because Okuyasu was his friend, and his friend made him feel such sudden and flavorful emotions. They were foreign and still strange, but Josuke wanted those feelings of bubbling satisfaction to remain each time he saw Okuyasu's puppy dog eyes.
Those same puppy dog eyes were glued to the window, as Okuyasu stood on a stepladder, angrily throwing the claw of his hammer into the nails that bore into the window frame and through the messy jumbled of wood that kept away the sunshine.
Thoughts clawed at the back of his mind, prying at him to say something, anything.
One of the wooden boards clambered to the floor, as Okuyasu wipes a line of sweat from his eyebrow.
"Do you need any help with that?" Josuke asked, wringing out the damp rag into the bucket next to him.
Okuyasu shook his head and continued to pry at the boards.
Josuke felt his heart lurch in his chest as his emotions sunk.
Sorrow and pity threatened to push his boundaries as he continued to angrily scrub at the stains on the floor.
He had no control on what he said next.
"Those scars don't make you look ugly, ya know?" Josuke admitted, as Okuyasu fell silent.
"Josuke I told you not to worry about it..." Okuyasu muttered, clawing at the boards even angrier than before.
"And I'm sorry I caught you like that. I didn't mean to make you feel-."
"Josuke what did I say!?" Okuyasu shouted.
Josuke remained silent, his lips trembling, his heart beating faster.
"Okuyasu I don't want you to feel bad about your..."
"Josuke!" Okuyasu yelled, stamping his foot down.
His foot missed the top step of the stepladder. Okuyasu wobbled and without warning, fell back.
Now wasn't the time to think or rationalize.
Josuke bolted forward, as Okuyasu fell into his arms, the two toppling onto the floor beneath them.
Josuke hit the bucket, tipping over water all over the kitchen tiles.
The room remained silence, Josuke still holding tight to Okuyasu.
Okuyasu's body began to tremble, and he brought up a fist to wipe at his face.
The light caught pearly clear tears clinging to his cheeks.
"I don't wanna be Okuyasu Nijimura..." Okuyasu mumbled, his voice trilling sadly.
Josuke felt his whole body shut down in that moment, unable to interact or even think properly.
Okuyasu began to cry, his figure trembling quietly in Josuke's grasp.
"I don't wanna be Okuyasu Nijimura," he repeated again, viciously wiping away the upcoming tears. "Okuyasu Nijimura got beat be his old man every single day of the week. Okuyasu Nijimura let his whole family push him around. Okuyasu Nijimura has to live with the reminder of this everyday!"
Josuke watched in pitiful silence as Okuyasu covered his face, hiding his reminders under his hands and the layers of makeup.
And then he felt it. He felt all of Okuyasu's emotions shoot up into his heart. It was so overwhelming. He couldn't sit there any longer.
Josuke, slightly embarrassed, yet determined, pulled Okuyasu closer and held him in a tight and protective hug.
"I think Okuyasu Nijimura is brave," Josuke began. He didn't know if his words could help at all, he just wanted to, and needed to say something.
Okuyasu fell silent, trembling in Josuke's grip.
"I think Okuyasu Nijimura is a survivor. I think he is strong willed and has the heart of a true angel. Okuyasu Nijimura brings happiness to his friend Josuke Higashikata and he wears his battle scars proudly, as a hero."
Okuyasu chocked against his cries, as he gripped pathetically to Josuke, burying his face into his chest.
"Do you really mean that Josuke?" He asked.
Josuke took a reluctant hand to Okuyasu's hair and stroked it comforting.
He felt weird doing this. But he'd do anything to help...
"Yes bro," Josuke assures. "I couldn't pull off being so strong after suffering a long life of abuse like that."
Josuke then proceeded to reach down and trace a finger to one of his scars.
Okuyasu fell silent and glanced up at Josuke.
His eyes glimmered with tears, as Josuke touched his scars, his pitiful little reminders.
Those eyes didn't just glimmer, they rushed with relief, with the feeling of security and acceptance. Okuyasu's cheeks flowed a gentle red, as he smiled through tears.
"This is weird, isn't it bro?" He forced himself to laugh.
Josuke shook his head. "No bro, it ain't weird. It's called having emotions, you idiot."
Okuyasu suddenly glimmered with that rare and beautiful smile.
"I see so many stars..." he suddenly mumbled.
Josuke looked at him bemused. "Huh?"
Okuyasu pointed a finger up at his face, into Josuke's ocean eyes.
"You've got stars in your eyes. You make diamonds dull, bro."
Josuke was taken aback, his insides warm and fuzzy like they normally would feel when he was around his friend.
But this time, it spread to his face, pulling a smile onto his lips, a small gentle laugh escaping his throat.
"Damnit Okuyasu, you're sounding cheesy now. Don't make this awkward."
The two, overwhelmed with new emotions, pulled one another into a tight embrace. Okuyasu buried his face into the crook of Josuke's neck. "Why are you so nice to me?"
Josuke squeezed Okuyasu tightly.
"You shouldn't our so much pressure on yourself like that"
Okuyasu stayed huddled in Josuke's grasp.
"I'll try..."
Hey germs, what's popping? I'm sorry this chapter was meant to be longer but a lot of people were waiting for this chapter and I just got so excited. Like what the fuck why is this story so popular we hit 3,000 views! I'm not that good at writing yet it's dragged in quite the audience. Thank you all so much for the kind words and endless support, it makes my heart just go gkfkfkfkfkfk gkfkfkfkfkfk.
Before I leave you with this I wanna discuss a couple of things.
One, I wanna hold a little competition. So, I want y'all to draw some fanart for this story. It can be from a certain part of the book or your own little head cannon or idea. I just wanna see that good old Josuyasu. So, it can be digital or on paper, your choice, choose the medium, GET CREATIVE. To submit your piece into the competition, DM me on my art page on Instagram: pecan_jameson. My profile picture is of Josuke holding a sign that says egg salad.
First place gets to have their art displayed as the title page of this story (I will give credit)
I haven't decided 2nd and 3rd place prizes yet but I'll get there XD. Good LUCK, IM SO EXCITED TO SEE THE GAY
Okay, two. I wanna hold a livestream on my insta (pecan_jameson)  on Saturday June 19th at 3 pm Mountain Standard Time. Yes I guess technically that it's a face reveal, but I'm gonna be answering questions and listen to some ideas. If you wanna drop by that'd be just peachy.
Three. This one is gonna be a lot more serious so bear with me. I want to talk about the black lives matter movement right now. I just want to talk about how I want everyone to try and get involved if they can. I strongly believe in ACAB, and that this injustice against the back community needs to stop now. Wake up and see the absolute brutality police have caused innocent people. Police have shot and killed more than 5,000 black civilians since 2015. And those numbers are only climbing with each day. I need everyone to know how important this movement is and how crucial it is that black lives matter. I've been to a BLM protest, and all I have to say is THEY ARE PEACEFUL. And yet police are nothing but violent. They are awful merciless people who take any excuse to hurt someone of color or arrest anyone at protests. We need justice for black lives, for George Floyd, for the hundreds of innocent lives taken too soon. Say their names, let them be heard, SAY THEIR NAMES.
George Floyd spent his final moments underneath a police officer brutally MURDERING HIM.
He said I CANT BREATHE, and they didn't listen. Say his name, say his name. I CANT BREATHE. He couldn't breathe, and he was taken from this world too soon. So please, be active in trying to help. It can't be small like posting about it or being aware. And it can be big like attending a protest. Let's make a difference so that all the innocent lives can finally be laid to rest and that they can have the justice they deserve.
Anyways, spread the word, make a difference.
Thanks for tuning into this chapter, I hope to see everyone in the livestream and as always, feel free to drop some ideas in the comments!

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