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"Roseanne!!!" Damn that chipmunk is testing my limits!


"What do you want this time unnie!?"

" How manny time do i have to tell you to please, control your appetite! We just had this snacks bar refiled yesterday and now its empty!? How the hell did you eat all of those!? "

"You can call the servants to buy more snacks unnie!"

"Not because we can buy all the things we want were going to abuse that!" Damn this cousin of mine is a pain in the ass.

"Okay okay fine, im sorry, but you know i can't help it I'm hungry. "

"Your always hungry cheang"

Park Cheayung or goes by the name Roseanne, in short Rosé. She's my cousin
She's my soon to be hand or shall we say The Hand of the Queen. She will be my right hand and would be the one who will carry the kingdom during my absence. When me or my mate is not in place to carry our duties for the throne, she will be the one to step up. Her mother my Aunt, is the current Hand of the Queen she's mothers sister. Shes a part of the Diety Clan, her mother is their curent leader. They are not Dities, they are servants of the Diety. One of their abilities are Healing they stand side by side with the Enchants when it comes to healing. They allso poses great knowledge basically all of them are geniuses they are the Brain of the Kingdom. Battle plans and technologies are their contribution.

"What ever Cheang" i replied wile rolling my eyes.

"Did you just rolled your eyes at me!?" My cousin reply a li'll bit over dramatic tone.

"I did what are you gonna do about it?"

"Your lucky your my cousin"

"For me its a miss fortune to be a cousin of yours" i deadpanned earning a dramatic gasp from my cousin.

"You just stabbed my heart unnie" my cousin replied brushing away the fake tears in her eyes.

"What ever, where's Irene unnie any way? "

"I don't know maybe practicing a new spell i think?"

Bea Joo-hyun or goes by the name Irene is the eldest among us. Yes she's a which, a very powerful one i may say. She's the princess of the Wizards Clan and also a dear cousin of ours. No one can ever compete Irene unnie's power well except me. The Wizards clan are the ones who supplies all the weapons we need for battle. Witches have limitless powers but they can't poses their full potential unless they find their mates. Once they find their mates they become powerful enough against all those who gives threat to the kingdom. Unfortunately Irene unnie just like me and Cheang haven't found our mates yet. But because of our blood line we are powerful enough to defeat anyone.

"Lets go find her"

"Okay!" My cousin cheerfully replied gosh she's such in a good mood when she's full. Sometimes i think that maybe foods are her chosen mate.

We went out of our game room to find our eldest cousin.

As we pass the hallways we come across of some servants and soldiers. They respectfully bow their heads on us as we pass by while me and Cheang said our good morning greetings to them.

Just a simple gestures but big impact to other persons day. Try doing that to some strangers you meet on the way. You'll never know how much you brighten up their life.

As we were about to reach the spell room we come across of a not very naked Teayung in the hall way.


THE CROWN PRINCES AND HER MATE (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now