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Authurs note:
I have change a big part of this story IM SO SORRY my characters got jumbles but i already fixt it. Please read chapter one again if you are lost in this chapter. I changed Cheangs role in the story.



"Okay! All set!"

Sana shouted, did i introduce her already?

She's Sana well her last name is so complicated so i will not say it anymore. She's a vampire,  Correction the princess of the vampire clan and the strongest vampire that have ever existed in the kingdom.

But they are not the tipical "VAMPIRES" that you thought. They still have the sense of taste  for human food, they even crave it more than blood. Yes they do drink blood but they don't have to kill for it. All they need is their mates blood and for those who haven't found their  mate yet. They get it from the kingdoms hospital, apparently there are some who donate blood for them.

Our citizens care for each other that they are willing to give what they had for their fellow Avalonian, their blood is one of those.  But they said there's huge difference between the supplied blood and your mates blood. When they drink blood from their mate, they become even more powerful.

Avalonian vampires are different from other kingdoms, they can't be burned by the sun, they can eat all the garlic they want and unlike what others think they are not dead. Only immortals but not dead, just like humans their woman get pregnant and give birth. They are a great in hand to hand combat skills. And because of their sharp sense of sight most of them are archers.

Sana's parents are the curent King and Queen of Vampire Clan her mother is my fathers sister. That makes her my cousin in my fathers side.  

"Were ready" I replied taking my favorite teddy bear Nini.

The gourds took our luggage to put it in the van.

"This is it, were finaly get to see our mates"

V said, i can see happiness and excitement in his face.

"After many years we will be able to meet them"

Joy said dreamily.

"You need to find them first you idiots"

I bitterly said, i hate the fact that they will all find their mates easily while me. I still need to wait for months before i would be able to feel the bond to my mate. Call me bitter but, i can't help it!

"Bitterness over load!"

Sana shouted.

I gave her a glare, my real eye color are showing now. She immediately hide behind my brother.

"Please don't kill me"

She whispered behind V's back.

"Okay, okay leave the mate less princess alone"

Joy said holding her laughter.

Do they really want to experience what happened last night?

I just keep silent and walk ahead of them. One step to control my anger is to ignore them.


My brother try to call my name but i just keep going.

I need to get away from here.

"You shouldn't have said that"

I heard Cheang from the back scolding the idiots.

I need to find a way to control this, each time i lose control im putting the life of my love ones in danger. I don't want to hurt anny one of them, if only i can find a way to control it.

THE CROWN PRINCES AND HER MATE (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now