you are sunlight and i moon

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the night felt as if it should have been raining.

it had the solemn feeling of getting drenched in the middle of the street and the comfort of the sound of raindrops pattering against still window panes while you're inside, cuddled up with the ones you love.

yet it wasn't raining, because every day was perfect on the farm. the days kind of blurred together and it would be hard to tell the time if it hadn't been for the slowly dying sun that continued to rise and set in the morning and night, getting slightly smaller each time you glanced at it.

but tonight was different. in the dark, agatha felt the raindrops touch her skin while her prince held her close, but the only thing above her was the glow of a million stars, dancing softly across the sky like little diamonds sporadically placed along the deep silk that was the night. In this imaginary rain, the pair swayed to the silent music, their muddy boots softly crushing the grass underneath their feet as they spun.

for a moment, tedros leaned up to place a small kiss on agatha's neck, causing her to let out a laugh. that laugh was one of tedros' favorite things about agatha; he loved most everything about her, sure, but he adored her laugh. it was hissy and awkward and witchy but it was just so genuine that his eyes light up every time she laughed. most people would be turned off by its nature, but to tedros, it was perfect.

far across the field, hidden behind a tree, hort sat next to a small glittering lake, looking into its sapphire blue waters and watching the small fish swim about in circles. his hand longed to reach over and touch the water but he restrained himself, knowing that he'd just be met with a vision that would upset him. he instead decided to listen to the distant chirping of crickets and while standing, he looked up at the moon. its position tells hort that it is about half past 1 and he felt the need to check on sophie. as he trudged toward the cave, he peered through an opening in the trees as far as he could see, only noticing that the lights in the house were still on but no one was to be seen. in the faint glow of the light, he saw that the barn doors were wide open but he didn't think anything of it.

hort soon stood in front of a large opening in the side of a tall river rock, waiting a few moments before sulking inside, his shoes hitting the ground loudly, disturbing the peace of the all-too-silent cave. as he continued farther into the darkness, he realized the walls were made almost entirely of glittering sapphires. even without a light source, the stones shone like there was one, making the atmosphere just a little more magical. at the end of the cave, there was a large room made of the same sapphire that was basically empty except for a candle, excalibur, and a pile of black feathers. sophie was nowhere to be seen. this concerned hort.

"sophie?" he called out into the darkness, but no one answered. he soon admitted defeat, picking up excalibur off of the cold stone and walked out of the cave, taking one last look over his shoulder into the empty darkness before continuing to slink into the deep black night.

far off, tucked away in a small corner of the barn, agatha and tedros lay on a makeshift bed made of a saddle blanket and a pile of hay, gazing up at the stars through a large hole in the roof. they cuddled close, guarding each other from the cold brought by the dying sun, and whispered in the dark.

"did you miss me?" tedros asked suddenly, looking over at his princess and shifting his position just a little bit. agatha hesitated a moment before answering with a smile.


as soon as the words left her mouth, agatha instantly regretted saying them. she watched as tedros' crystal blue eyes filled with matching tears, droplets running down his freckled cheeks and landing softly on the blanket beneath him. his pink lips trembled in a tiny frown, clearly upset by his princess' response to his serious question. he ran a shaky hand through his curly blond hair and sat up.

you are sunlight and i moon • tagathaWhere stories live. Discover now