Pokemon-Valentine Special~Sawyer

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"I'm not waiting for a hero."


"Your not very gentleman like Gladion. Why not help Sawyer out? Is fighting in her honor not good enough for you?

Siblings watched as said female brawled with others, seeming at home with the rowdy bunch. She was smirking, tossing back from fists, reacting with a fist of her own. Someone collapsed out of the pile, drag away from the brawl. Siblings watched as the person's face was revealed to have a now gaped smile. She tried to crawl back in, others moved her to the recover zone where she surely blacked out. Lillie smiled sweetly at her brother.

"Would it perhaps pertain to you being, excuse my language, a string bean?"



Lillie laughed at the expense of her brother as he face-palmed himself, growling under his breath, red print on his forehead. Glaring at his sibling, Gladion gazed back to the brawl as the crowd became a few. He watched as Sawyer took the hits in stride, she did just as her Pokemon in battle. To his trained eye he watched as she weaved through onslaught and when the pause presented itself, she struck effectively. His heart stopped when she was countered, not many seemed to catch on. She took those in stride, taking the hits which left bruises, then delivered ones of her own. Until her luck ran dry, she was drop with a hit to the gut. Clutching herself she shuffled, out of the circle knowing when she was beat.

Gladion's eye shifted to Lillie when he noticed her motioned at him, yet he refused her even that. She puffed her cheeks at that, becoming red. She moved to do as he should have, crisp white towel in hand, Snowy at her feet already making ice shards. Lillie stepped lightly past him, sounds of coughing in the distance, growing louder.


It was a statement that came out harsher then it should have, but needed. Lillie froze, glancing in her peripheral. He made no move to stop her, lazily leaned against the fence. She should ignore him and help his girlfriend. Yet, something was tainted in his words, like venom or a was it warning. She turned back to Sawyer, who was closer now, walking straighter. Her hand was clutching her side, lips split, cheek red and swollen.

"How long you been here watching?"

"Since eight-teen people ago."

"Th-that long? Heh?!"

"Yes, that long."

Lillie sensed something in the air, or the was their gazes meet each other. A silent conversation between them? She felt like a three'd wheel. Maybe intruding on something that she wasn't meant to see. Sawyer spoke to her, her orbs never leaving Gladion's.

"Sorry Lillie. Didn't mean to ignore you. Just kinda surprised..."

"Oh, do not mind me."

Sawyer nodded to her, muffling a grunt. She shuffled closer ever so, watching each other. Cold stillness settled peacefully. Gladion shoved his hands in his pockets, shuffling to meet her at his own pace.

"Do you need anything?"


He waited, she was searching his eyes for something. Emerald orbs meet green, blinking away the soreness.

"Kiss it better?"

'But I don't mind the help.'"I saved myself long ago."



"Why didn't Gladion rush to you when you finished the fight? He could have help support your weight or maybe even carried you bridal style? i mean-"

Bellows laughter was her reply. It was a sound so hearty, it seemed to erupt from the depths of her gut. Lillie became beet red, embarrassed she had asked such a question in the first place. Curiosity had gotten the better of her, maybe she didn't ask the question right or perhaps it was the way it was worded?

"Why do you ask?"

"Well in my story books the Knight always rushes to the princess."

"First of all, do I look like a damsel in distress?"

"Well no, but..-"

"Second of all, you read way to many fairy tales."

"Do you not want to be rescued? Meet the Knight in shining armor?"


"NO!! Ummm..Oh-I mean- Ehh uhum, no?"

"I already have. His name is Gladion. Mmmm...You see..."

Lillie waited with baited breath, Sawyer was going to the beans and she needed to know. Her body language gave a tense vibe, maybe nervous. Eyes down cast, hand rubbing the back of her neck, sighing as she began. She yet to turn to the younger blond, refused to look at her.

"My old man castes a long shadow."

Sawyer twiddled her thumbs, deciding how to explain to the younger girl. Details she would rather keep buried, things she would rather forget.

"Trapped, I ran. I could use his shadow for things. I was able to stay in hotels for free, eat what I wanted. Until I meet the Kanto Champion, Lance. I flaunted who my dad was in front of him. He said somethings, I punched him and stole something from him. It was an accident when I took the item, that wasn't my goal. Anyway, it wasn't long until afterwards that Leon, my dad's....fan, found me. He said dad missed me and wanted me to come home..."

She paused, rubbing her temples. Lillie stared open mouth gaping like a Magikarp.

"Or I could step out of his shadow. Leon handed me the letter to my dad for the Cobalt Lagoon Tourney. That's where it all when down. I wasn't introduced as his kid, I was introduced as me, Sawyer Sur-eeee enough. What I guess I'm trying to say is that I helped someone step out into the brightness, when I probably should have lead by example or some shit like that."

Lillie remembered Gladion conversing with her on the subject, did she ignore what he had said or do as he asked? He seemed to know Sawyer well enough when she would accept help and when she flat out refused. Her thoughts interrupted, focusing on the other females next sentence.

"What I mean is that if I can't stand on my own, I don't deserve the help. Dose that make sense?"

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