the day started with such promise

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3 mortal days have passed since the incident, she still doesn't know if it was a good idea to accept the wind god's invitation or not. However, her curiosity was eating her up inside. She needed to know why the proud king of the skies wanted to talk to her about.

she put on her fitted black button up long sleeve shir, her breasts plate, some leather pants and activated the enchantment on them making it seam like she's wearing an semi armored dress instead of pants. She fixed her hair up in a pony tail, leaving a few locks of her hair loose on the sides of her face,framing it. She put on her favorite leather boots decorated with a steel toe. she gracefully walked the halls of her castle with her head servant behind her.

she gave him a list of things that need to be done by the time she returned and told him that in case of an emergency to use the communication crystal to contact her immediately should something happen while in her absence.

"my queen, please. i may be old but i still know how to do my job well." he chuckled before patting her head "i have served you since the moment you were born, and since then, nothing has happened under my watchful care. Everyone knows better than to attack the land of one of the most powerful beings on earth." he pushed said powerful being over to the entrance of the portal. "Please stop stalling and go already, do not keep his majesty waiting" he said, bowing before the queen walked into the portal.

"alright, alright.. ill be back soon" she waved goodbye before she closed the portal.

she looked up at the palace a few yards away. she rolled her eyes as she walked towards it why do the air people like gold so much? she thought.

as she made it to the golden front gates, she was spotted by the guard. "Halt!" he said firmly as she was about to enter. "no one is allowed in the castle! best get a move on, fire breather" he said, a hint of disgust in his tone as he eyed her up and down.

She frowned at this, crossed her arms and calmly stated "your king is expecting me". the guard laughed before pointing his long sword in her direction "yeah right! the emperor inviting a filthy fire lander? don't make me laugh. there aren't any guest listed today, so beat it!" he said mockingly before shoving his sword close to her face. she glared at him but still kept her calm.

"there must be a major lack of communication, for i was indeed invited, so i suggest you try to be better at your low rank job and go talk to your superior and get that toothpick away from my face before i lose my temper" she said, her voice lowering in pitch.

the guard frowned before lowering his sword at her throat "who the hell do you think yo-" he cut himself off in surprise as the handle of his sword got hotter and hotter. he yelled out in pain and let go of the handle of the now red hot sword, as it hits the ground it made a clang noise and sparks of metal fire spread and fade into the stone walkway.

the guard looked at his now burned right hand while groaning in pain. She smirked bitterly "I am hell itself you racist piece of trash" she sneered at him and walked forward. the guards rage grew as he watched her pass him by towards the castle while he clutched his hand.

Enraged, he took out his dagger and charged towards her. when he got close enough, he pulled his arm back and swung it as hard as he could, intending to stab her spinal cord. she  looked back and saw the dagger in his hand coming at her back in full speed but  before she could block it, a golden whip wrapped around the man's wrist pulled his arm back along with him, making him fall to the ground on his back and hitting the back of his head hard enough to knock him out.

She looked at the guard's limp body. there's only one person who was allowed to be the owner of the one and only golden whip.. she thought before turning around to look at  said owner of said weapon. Her suspicions were correct as her eyes met the deep blue ones and the first prince of the Sky kingdom, Boreas.

he cracked his whip back towards him and slowly placed it on the whip holder on his hip. He turned his gaze towards her and walked forward in her direction, each step unworldly graceful. He stood in front of her and their eyes met again, when they did it was as if time slowed down around them. she looked up at him, from head to toe this man was perfect.. too perfect.

It pissed her off, how his long silver hair was straight and shiny.. his eyes are a the shade of blue she likes the most, how his skin is perfect, not a single imperfection or birthmark as far as the eye can fair and smooth as porcelain.. not even a single scar. how his lips are full and pink, and how he's perfectly lean, neither too skinny or too muscular..

He smiled, showing off his perfect white teeth. everything about this man was so beautiful that every woman that laid their eyes on him would instantly fall head over heels for him.. even she had to admit he made her heart race.

that's what is so irritating about him.. cant this man have something imperfect! she thought bitterly. Boreas looked down at her and chuckled ,he knew what she was thinking just by watching her eyebrow slightly twitch as her eyes shifted from different parts of him. he smiled sweetly before speaking in a polite tone "good afternoon, your royal majesty!" he bowed while grabbed her hand gently. he then planted a soft kiss on her bare knuckle, his eyes never breaking contact with hers.

her skin was so hot it burned his hand and lips, but he kept his composure. To his knowledge, he was the only one able to fluster the famed steel hearted flame queen, and that pleased him so much that being burned in the process was worth it. His flesh healed as quickly as it was being burned, making it unnoticeable to her.

she averted her gaze before pulling her hand away "i didn't know this was how the almighty Sky kingdom treated their guests" she said, still not looking at him directly, arms crossed. the prince chuckled before straightening himself. so worth it he though "i truly am ashamed and humbly offer my apologies, your highness. i will personally make sure this guard is punished accordingly" he said in a well mannered tone.

she rolled her eyes at how even his mannerisms were perfect. "whatever..i could've taken care of it , i didn't need you to save me like some damsel in distress" she scoffed, her pride a bit wounded. "you've mistaken my actions, dear queen of the fire and sun" he said calmly, his words making her eyebrow raise.  "the intent was to save him from you.. not the other way around" he said with a small mischievous smile. this made her smirk and let out a small laugh. "its good to see you again, Boreas." she said as they both made their way to the castle. "i missed you too, your majesty" he told her with a smile, the golden gates slowly closing  behind them.

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