Sweet tea and old memories

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The emperor swallowed at the impassive stare the young queen was giving him. He waited anxiously for her to speak. "i swear.. if we go to war over that stupid boy's idiocy, i'm going to kill him"

30 minutes earlier~

Astraeus was furiously yelling at the servant who brought him the news of what happened at the front gates. Hes voiced vibrated the air, making a harsh gust of wind that almost blew the poor servant away. He ordered that the guard be imprisoned immediately. The frightened servant nodded and bowed before he scurried away. The emperor sighed and sat down on his seat at the tea table located in his imperial garden. He prepared many snacks that are from the fire lands,as well as some popular sweets his daughter told him girls liked,though if he were to be honest he thought the sweets were too.."girly" for someone like the famed phoenix of the south.

"i say father, that was quite entertaining to watch. However, i do feel pity for the poor messenger. He got yelled at for something that wasn't even his fault, the poor thing." Astraeus heard his eldest son say with a chuckle in his voice. He groaned and rubbed his temple. " i don't have time for you to test my patience, Boreas." he answered in annoyance, his eyes closed. Boreas placed a hand on his chest, feigning hurt. "you wound me, Father. And here i was, being so kind as to bring your beloved guest to you.." He said with a smirk.

The emperor opened his eyes and turned to his son. There she was, standing next to Boreas with a bored expression, arms crossed over her chest. Astraeus unconsciously shot up from his seat in surprise. He snapped out of his minor shock before he straightened his posture and lowered his gaze to the ground and bowed his head as a sign of respect before meeting her gaze. "my apologies, your majesty. i did not mean for you to have experienced anything of the following events since you came here.." he said in a even tone, his deep voice masking cutting through the air. The young royal bowed her head slightly in return, while craning her neck a bit to look up to meet his eyes.

i don't understand why everyone in this place are so tall.. this is so humiliating..

she " You need not apologize, your highness.. your son helped me deal with the.. issue" she said, glancing at said prince for a moment before looking back at the emperor. "it seems your servants need to work on there communication skills.. someone could've gotten hurt."  her words carried a certain eerie warning to them. Perhaps it was her unusually calm voice that made him feel so. the sky king gulped slightly before nodding in agreement. "indeed, your highness.. please take a seat" he motioned at the seat opposite of his. she stared at it a bit before she sat on the chair. It was obviously made for her. the elegant chair was made with  black stone and metals that can withstand high levels of heat, essentially just being a fancy fireproof chair. 

the emperor sat in his plain white and gold encrusted chair before facing his eldest son. "Boreas, since you were there and indeed know what happened in detail.. I'll leave you and your judgment to deal with the former guard..as you see fit." his voice dropped at the last bit, to their ears it was indeed a voice of a ruler. The prince understood what his father words and tone meant and nodded before bowing slightly at him as a gesture of him excusing himself from the presence of the king. The first prince turned to the silent guest that sat on the opposite side of the table and also bowed his head close to her ear. "ill see you later, love. don't go without seeing me~" he winked and chuckled at her frown and reluctant nod.  Boreas bowed once again at her before he turned and walked away. 

Astraeus saw the glint of a hidden emotion i the eyes of his son when he looked at her. he frowned slightly as he watched Boreas leave, wondering why exactly did he return so suddenly home two days ago. His son never told him the reason, but now he had a sneaking suspicion it wasn't because he missed his family.

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