Chapter 1

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Hey, my name is Maddeyi, yeah I know it's weird. But I'm not really what you would call 'normal', I am a dark angel. That sounds bad but really it's not, it just means that I have black wings and have different powers than your average angel would. There is also my friend, one of my best friends, Satan. Or you could call her Tiff, but either is fine really. The high school I go to has a secret program for monsters, mutants and gods. There is a much larger population of monsters in the school than you would expect. It's not a tight group that's like a cult. I have a angel friend named Maddie, she strayed from the ways of her fellow Angels, and she is friends with Satan and I. You might be wondering 'How the hell do you hide your wings.' I can turn them into tattoos that appear on my back when I make my wings disappear, I also have a sword in my back so I can, you know fight some dragons and daemons. But anyway it's probably time for me to stop introducing things and just get on with the story.

"Madda wake up, it's time for school!" My mother yelled to me as I rolled off my bed.
"Son of a-" I said as I landed on the floor, getting ready for school and heading out the door. 'I didn't have time to stretch my wings this morning, damnit their so sore.' I thought as I walked to school in the chilly winter weather. I walked through the doors and was blasted with a bout of hot air, my glasses fogging up. "Damnit." I said under my breath as I cleaned them off. School had only been going on for 3 days and it was the first meeting of the 'special students' program, I walked down into the basement into a large room filled with 'normal teenagers'.
"Welcome to the special students program now if you will all take your seats we can begin with the introductions!" A way too peppy teacher said in excitement. There was a large amount of shuffling and I sat a a table of 3 with Tiff and Maddie.
"Great, another exited human." We all mumbled rolling our eyes.
"Now we'll start in the front, tell us your name and what type you are. A tall red haired boy stood up and introduced himself. "Hello, I'm Marcus and I am a fire sprite." There was some giggling and the introductions continued. It reached my table, we where all extremely rare beings and the only ones of our kind in the program. Tiff stood up first.
"Hi, My name is Tiffany. And I am ... Satan." There where gasps and surprised looks, Maddie was next.
"Hello everyone, I am Maddie and I'm a Angel." More grasps and muttering. Dark Angels are very rare there can only be 59 in the world at a time or the balance is completely thrown off. I stood up and kept my eyes closed, I forgot to mention the dark Angels always have this thing where one eye is red and the other is black. I opened my eyes and introduced myself, people giving me weird looks before I even spoke. "Hello, I am Maddeyi and I am a Dark Angel." Gasps and a few screams filled the room. The Fire Sprite who went first gave me a look and I sat down.
"Now that that's taken care of you can all transform into your true forms for the class we have prepared. Everyone looked at our table as I got up and my black wings sprouted from my back and my hair grew dark and long. My clothes replaced with a black linen dress. Maddie looked similar except white hair and dress. Tiff was wearing black amour and had a long spear in her right hand. I left my sword be, because the large katana would draw more attention than I already had. The others transformed, I stood while all the others with wings began to hover. My cramped wing stretching out as I smiled when they finally became a bit more loose.
"Excuse me! Maddeyi was it, can I ask you to please hover so we can judge how many flyers we have. I nodded and outstretched my massive wings and hovered a few feet above the floor.
"Nice feathers Hell beast!" A girl who was a more common vampire said, I looked in her direction.
"Your blood originates from mine, you wouldn't be here if this 'Hell beast' didn't exist." She looked into my eyes and shuddered. I was hopping this wouldn't be a combat class, but it was I was paired with the fire sprite to spar.
"You gonna draw your weapon or what?" The sprite said as he pulled out two daggers. "Too slow!" He yelled as he charged at me, my lightning reflexes drawing my sword from my back and blocking his double dagger attack.
"Oh really?" I said as he backed up and looked at the length of the large black Japanese sword.
"Why don't you just go back to hell!" Another jealous vampiric girl shouted at me.
"If I do, then you'll come with me." I said turning and placing my sword back where it belongs. The girl looked terrified, and turned back to her fight.

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