BIO: Lili

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A/N: I take no credit for any of the photo you are about to see.

Name: Lili
Hair Color: Blood Red
Eye Color: Blood Red


Clothes: She can make fake clothes like the one she was wearing, when she infiltrated the White Fang

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Clothes: She can make fake clothes like the one she was wearing, when she infiltrated the White Fang. But her real close are the same as the photo.

 But her real close are the same as the photo

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Race: ??
Gender: Female

Age: ??

Title: Daughter of Chaos
-Father: Deceased
-Mother: Deceased
Weapons: ???
Semblance: ???
Aura: Red

Summon: Gomo

Likes: Loves Y/n, Salem, Fighting, Chaos, Carnage, Bloodshed, Lying, Picking on the weak

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Likes: Loves Y/n, Salem, Fighting, Chaos, Carnage, Bloodshed, Lying, Picking on the weak.

Dislikes: Everything that Y/n hates, Weaklings, Being disappointed, Getting bored, Human except for Y/n, and Faunus.

Personality: She comes off as a bit sarcastic, a liar, and somewhat psychotic. Loves to fight and kill, she also let's people do what they want, if something good will happen. But even if something happens she will keep a cool head.

BIO: A mysterious girl that fought Y/n and lost to her. She is trying to find something but it is still unknown what that 'something' is.

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