A Peaceful Day

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~3rd POV 1 week~
During the week the relationship between Y/n, Ruby, and Yang started getting worse by the day. Ruby from time to time would try to spend some time with Y/n, but Ivary would get in her way. Yang was forbidden to get near Y/n, and her Team. But not only that but Ozpin, and Glynda kept a close eye on her. With the one exception being Blake.

~Y/n Dorm- 10:30 a.m.- Y/n POV~
Today is a nice day but I just didn't want to go out because I still felt like at any moment that Girl the red hair would show up. But I guess it wasn't so bad I mean we have a new teammate.

As I turned to look at what everyone was doing I felt a slight pain on my chest. I then touched my chest but the pain was only slightly so it didn't bother me. "Your chest pain are becoming more frequently?" I turned and I noticed that Layla was looking at me with a worried expression. "Are you sure you're going to be okay Y/n?" She responded to me.

I nodded and I smiled at her. "Yes I'm going to be okay. Don't worry it will go away soon." But deep down I guess I was lying to myself.

"Well if you say so. But let me know if you start to feel bad?" I nod and she turned her attention back at Blake how was with us today at least.

But I noticed that Zahra was running towards me with that energetic expression. Luckily I managed to pick her up before she brought me to the floor. Again.

"Haha! HEY Y/n can we go somewhere FUN!?" She smiled at me. But I guess somewhere fun would be better then being here locked up. "Okay what did you have in mind?"

"I know how about we invite team CFVY, and team JNPR?" Layla respond. Which a gently smiled on her face.

I smiled at her and nodded. "So ware did you have in mind?" Everyone then stayed quiet for a few seconds. I then felt a small tap on my shoulder, It was Neo holding out her scroll at me. "I know?"

She started writing something else. "I heard that there's a festival today. So why don't we go?" A festival... I then nodded. "Yeah that would be fun."

As I put on my casual clothes. Everyone started smiling, and talking to each other. I'm glad that there happy. As I put on my long sleeve shirt I turned to the door. "I'll go on ahead to the Bullhead. I'll wait for you there?" They all nodded and I left for the Bullhead.

As I weighted for my team I looked up at the sky and I let the cold breeze hit my face. "Y/n!" I quickly opened my eyes and I noticed that Velvet, and Coco were approaching me.

~3rd POV~
"Good morning Y/n?" "G-good morning." Velvet, and Coco respond with a smile on there faces.

Y/n smiled back at them. "Good morning." She then noticed that they were alone. "Where's your team?"

Coco put her right arm on her waist. "Well Yatsuhashi said he had to meditate, and Fox was doing exercise."

Velvet then responded. "But they told us to go have fun nonetheless." Her ears perked up and she blushed a little when she looked at Y/n.

"I see well nothing that can be done about it. But I'm glad that you two are coming with us." I smiled at them. Which Coco, and Velvet smiled back.

"Y/n!" The three of them looked and they noticed Pyrrha, and Nora. Pyrrha was the first to respond. "Good morning Y/n."

"Good morning, Good morning!" Nora respond while singing.

Y/n smiled and she noticed that they were alone. "Good-" She was abruptly cut off by a chibi Zahra slamming head first in to Nora, and smiling. "NORA!" But when she looked at Nora, she noticed that she was knocked out. As Zahra was shaking her to snap her out of it. Nora was seeing star's but they were in the shape of pancakes. Layla quickly proceeded to get close to Zahra and hit her on her head.

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