Chapter One: "I Had A Bobby Pin."

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•You light me up, like the fireworks flyin' on the Fourth of July•
-Hunter Hayes


It was just a typical Friday night in the city of Seattle. People partying, drugs being passed in alleys, and a concert happening at the theatre. And there was one particular girl at the concert, who was different from all the others. She was not a fan. She was not with her friends. She was on the lights crew. She helped design the stage and the set, and then she was invited to go on tour, with the lights crew. She was a very special girl, and he would soon find that out.

Hunter Hayes did not like to make his fans wait. He hated that there was a line of excited girls waiting to meet him, that would have to wait a little while longer. But they would have to wait. Because some "genius idiot," as Matt put it, had locked the door. The only door, in fact, that led to the hallway they needed to get to. And only one person had the key to that door. She was sick, so her replacement was on duty. Her replacement couldn't seem to remember where she had left the ring of keys. The ring of keys that had the only key to the only door that led to the one hallway Hunter needed to get to. So they could understand his frustration. As he sighed and leaned against the wall, a girl from the lights crew walked past, carrying a broken spotlight. Hunter noted the way she looked slightly defeated, and also the way she rocked those skinny jeans. Another thing he noted? She seemed to be struggling. After all, it takes a pretty large spotlight to shine on a guy like Hunter. So he walked over to her and took hold of the spotlight.

"Where's this going?" He asked.

"Just to a room down there," she replied shyly, nodding her head to a nearby door, "it's not ours so we'll just put it in there with a note."

He helped her carry it onto the room, setting it down on a table. He may have flexed his biceps just a little more than necessary. He was, after all, a guy.

"Thank you," she said quietly, tucking a piece of her red hair behind her ear.

"You're very welcome," he said warmly, "now I need to go see if they got that door unlocked!"

He smiled at her and held the door as they walked out.

"They still can't find the key," Matt informed him.

"Ugh. This is so frustrating," Hunter said, shaking his head.

He didn't notice the girl, the very same girl he had just helped, walking over to the door and slipping a bobby pin out of her pocket.

"Uh... Here," she said softly, looking embarrassed as the door swung open.

"You had the key?" Hunter asked, stunned.

"No, I have a bobby pin," she said, a pink tinge in her cheeks.

"Thank you so much! Uh... What's your name?" He asked.

"A-Anna," she said.

"Thank you Anna. I really appreciate that!" Hunter said, hugging her lightly before walking through the door, and down the hall to meet his waiting fans.


Anna knew something was going to go wrong tonight. She could feel it in the air. Also, they had duct taped one of the lights to make it stay. She didn't think it was going to work, but everyone else insisted that it would. Even now, only a few songs into the show, she knew it wouldn't hold. So that's why she made her way down the stairs into the backstage area. She knew her way around this set fairly well, being that she had been on tour with Hunter multiple times. She knew the drill. She just grabbed one of the wires and slowly lowered the light down. And just as she was doing so, it fell. Right at a quiet moment in Invisible. No one really noticed, she told herself. It had fallen behind the backdrop, so it wasn't a big deal. It had made quite a large noise though. She put it in the case and made her way back up to her place at the light board, earning steely glares from a few other backstage people. She ignored them. She simply flipped her red hair over her shoulder and tried not to hear their comments about her freckles. She'd been told once that freckles were cute. But maybe not cute to most other twenty year olds. She wasn't exactly sure why no one liked her on the set, but she wasn't too worried about it. She liked lights. That's why she was on the lights crew in the first place.

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