Chapter Four: Pepperoni

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Ok so the photo above is of Mason (Channing Tatum). Enjoy this chapter lovelies!!

Stadiumlicious, Merry Christmas,

Tessa ❤️🎶


Anna found herself in a very compromising position. She was behind the arena. And she was laying on the ground. And Rafe was hovering over her. Oh, the really bad part? Hunter had just rounded the corner.

"Rafe, get off!" She said, pushing him away.

"But you stole my fries! You don't just steal a guys fries and expect not to pay for it!" He told her as he helped her up.

"You didn't have to tackle me," she said through gritted teeth as a blushing Hunter turned and walked away.

"Why are you suddenly so angry about it?" Rafe asked.

"Hunter saw us. And it probably looked pretty bad," she told him, rolling her eyes and walking past him to go back to his trailer.

She would hang out with Mason while Rafe pondered his irrational decision. He may have just ruined the slight chance she had with Hunter. Well, it was a very slim chance. Almost not even there.

All I have going for me is that I'm a girl, Anna thought to herself as she walked into their trailer.

"Did Rafe catch you?" Mason asked.

He was lounged on the couch, a beer in hand.

"Yes. He tackled me. Hunter saw us laying on the ground, and I'm fairly sure he thought it was something other than what it was," she told him, sighing as she sat down.

"Mm, that's rough," he said, looking at the TV distractedly.

Anna would never understand their fascination with NASCAR.


Hunter couldn't explain the hurt that was building in his chest. The tightness there. There was no rational reason for him to be upset. But he was. He'd never really thought that Anna liked any guys that were on the tour. Apparently she did. Hunter knew Rafe because he was a stagehand, so he knew that Rafe was about ten years older than Anna. Hunter hated to think what Rafe wanted with her. He also hated to think of what he had just seen. Why couldn't they make out in the privacy of one of their trailers? He was quite disgusted. His opinion of Anna had also lowered considerably. He wondered for a moment if he still liked her. And then he realized that he wouldn't even be thinking about it if he didn't like her, so he must still have feelings for her. Maybe he could get Rafe fired somehow.


"Hunter if you're just gonna sit there smiling at your crotch, why did you come to dinner?" Matt asked.

Hunter looked up. "I'm texting," he explained.

"It looks to me like you're fascinated by your co-"

"Shut up!" Hunter said frantically, not wanting him to continue.

"He's texting Anna," Steve told them.

"Oooh! Hunters got a girlfriend!" Devo sang.

"I do not!" He denied.

"If she's not your girlfriend, why are you blushing, and why do you always smile when you text her?" Matt asked.

Hunter glared at him. "Because living with you dull idiots has left me starved for humor, and she definitely has humor."

"Wow Hunter. Harsh," Sam said, shaking his head.

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