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You were the youngest and the last to join the SVU squad. That meant the constant hazing from your coworkers never ended. You loved them, but sometimes the pranks were just a little annoying. Carisi always got a laugh when you would open your desk and yell because of the plastic insect or animal you found. You would just chug the item, staring him down hard as you went about your day.

The Special Victims Unit was a tough place to be. With all the darkness you saw on a daily, you wondered sometimes if you were even making a difference. There wasn't much you light in your line of work.

The one thing that you always looked forward to however was...

"What do you have for me this time." Speak of the devil.

Barba came marching in with his tailored suit and briefcase. The guy always looked so confident and put together. Olivia walked into his office briefing him on the most recent case, and you watched through the blinds as they talked.

You envied their relationship. They both seem to know how to communicate without even saying words sometimes. You talked to Barba too, but you'd usually end up tongue tied when he looked at you with those beautiful green eyes. You were hopeless. With a crush on the lawyer in your precinct, a district attorney no less. When Olivia exited she started pairing you up and you were thankful for the distraction.

"(Y/N), you and Nick go check out the apartment. Maybe he left some DNA."

"Yes boss, on it." You replied. Olivia smiled at you like a proud mother and Nick just laughed.

"We'll get on it." he said tugging you along.


On your way to the apartment Nick glanced your way. "Hey, you are a lot more quiet today. Something up?" There it was, that old big brother thing he always did with you. Being the youngest, you had a feeling they all saw you as a little sister they needed to protect.

You didn't really mind, it made you happy they cared about you. But somewhere at the back of your mind you felt like they didn't show the same amount of respect. It was true you were meek and shy sometimes. But when it came to doing your job, you always got it done.

When you pulled up to the apartment you and Nick didn't waste anytime scooping through the items. You'd already been given a warrant. The suspect stood in the doorway as Nick rummaged through his room. He looked so sure the both of you wouldn't find anything connecting him to the victim he assaulted. You watched him keenly. Every once in a while his eyes would move to a painting on the wall. You caught the action, and when his eyes landed on you, you noticed a certain level of panic now prominent.

"Nick," the dark haired officer turned to you in question. You nudge your head to the painting and he caught on.

"Wait a second you can't-" as soon as he started to walk closer the suspect tried to stop him. You reached over going for your gun. "Stay back sir." it wasn't a request, he could tell by the tone of your voice. He stepped back and you kept an eye on him as Nick moved the painting.

There was what looked like a hard drive taped to the back of it.

"Well, what do we have here. Seems like you've been holding out on us. I wonder what we'll find on this." You smiled, as you and Nick moved to escort the man to the station.

As Nick walked past you he gave you a small pat on the shoulder.

"Good job." you grinned, following him out.

On your way to the precinct he insisted that he would cooperate just so he wouldn't have to be taken away in cuffs. Nick obliged. He'll be arrested soon enough.

Rafeal Barba x Reader OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now