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𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕟𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕚𝕤 𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕘

the boys which included jj and john b of course wouldn't want pope in trouble, went to find out more information about the compass. john b felt as if their dad was trying to communicate with them and it's not denial if it's true.

they agreed not to involve reese because they didn't want to reach a dead end and her get upset about it although no doubt john b would be. while they were on their hunt for info about the compass reese was working with kei.

reese's pov

my shift had just finished and i was helping kei out for a bit. we had quick shifts because i was going to help people out with the storm and kei said she was doing something i don't even remember.

we finished our shifts and got in her car going back to my place. we went in and the were out on the porch. "hey guys." i said to them. "i thought you were working on houses?" john b said worried. "i am i just have to get different clothes." i said walking to my room. weird.

i changed into short and a t shirt that was cropped short because it was hot as fuck outside then i grabbed socks and put on my shoes. i left and went down the road to help. after working a little bit i realized i forgot a pony tail so i walked back to the château.

"god guys it's hot as f—" i said and realized they weren't their. "umm guys?" i said walking inside. i didn't see them anywhere they must've left. i went to my room and grabbed a pony tail and ate a granola bar. i heard noises and walked towards it.

a very white thing to do i know, but i could tell it was john b's voice. i walked towards my dads office that hadn't been opened since he was missing. "what are y'all doing in here?" i said really confused and kind of mad.

"shit reeses why are you here?" jj said and i rolled my eyes. "why am i here? i live here. why are y'all in dads office?" i said upset. i didn't really want other people to come in here because he never let anyone in their.

"we're just looking for something." john b said. "what?" i asked curiously. you could hear the roosters clucking from the yard. "god i hate that rooster." pope said. "why? i love it." i said and jj as well as kei agreed.

"whatever y'all are weird bye. we're talking later john b." i said walking out of the room and walking towards the porch. i noticed a big black truck pull up. "umm guys someone's here." pope said. "who are these people?" i asked about to walk out.

before i could make it out of the door jj pulled me back and pulled me in the office. "um what the hell?" "is that them?" pope asked. "yeah that's them shit." "jj where's the gun?" "i uh the gun it's- it's on the porch!" he said running out of the room.

"can someone tell me what the hell is going on what did y'all do did you steal something?" i asked. "no time now." john b said and i was beginning to get pissed off. jj ran back in the room and slammed the door shut. "they're on the porch." he said and they all started to panic.

"john booker routledge we know you're here." i heard a guy yell in a deep scary voice. i was now starting to panic with them. i heard them ransacking the house as we tried to open the window. "shit it's painted shut." kei said as we kept trying to open it.

jj and john b were holding the door shut while we tried to open it. "y'all better not be in there." they said angrily as we finally got it open. we all ran out of the house and jj grabbed my hand as we went to the chicken coop.

little sister// jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now