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𝕚'𝕞 𝕟𝕠𝕥 𝕒𝕗𝕣𝕒𝕚𝕕 𝕒𝕟𝕪𝕞𝕠𝕣𝕖

jj had never wanted to kiss someone more in his life than in that very moment. even though he clearly heard a scream he chose to ignore it, but reese pulled back. "did you hear that?" she asked. she was concerned about the violently loud scream that had echoed through the woods.

"no it's probably nothing." jj said grabbing her face and leaning in to kiss her again. he was interrupted by even more screams. "we need to go check it out." reese said getting up and jj sighed. it was a ruined opportunity because he knew he couldn't kiss her another time.

"reese wait for me don't go by yourself it's dangerous." jj said catching up to reese who had started through the woods. he grabbed her hand as they walked through the trees, but he quickly dropped it once he saw the sight of john b.

reese's pov

"no what happened!?" i yelled as jj dropped my hand and i ran to john b who was passed out on the ground. "topper pushed him please help." she said crying and i had tears gushing down my face. "where is he?" jj said angry looking around.

"please who cares just go get help. SOMEBODY HELP US." sarah yelled as pope ran to go find someone. "pope hurry please!" i tried to yell, but my voice was choked from crying. i looked at john b and grabbed his hand. "please don't leave me i need you." i said and sarah kissed him.

we had been in the hospital now for a while and i didn't leave john's side. sarah went and got her dad to help i waited with him. "reese come on you need to change clothes you still have a dress on." jj said putting a hand on my shoulder.

"i'm not leaving him jj okay i can't lose my only family i need to be here for him when he wakes up." i said and he sighed but nodded. "i understand. i have to be home soon because of probation, but i'll be back first thing tomorrow okay and here you can just wear this clothes.

he handed me a pair of my shorts that were in johns van and a sweatshirt that was his. "thank you jj." i said looking at him. i tried to smile, but i just couldn't. "please get some rest he's gonna be all good i promise." he said as he kissed the top of my head and left.

i changed into the clothes jj gave me and sat back down in the chair by john b's bed. i ended up falling asleep after a hour of just looking and making sure he was breathing. when i woke up i saw sarah and her dad outside of the door. i went out and talked to them.

"hey thank you so much for helping mr. cameron i will try to pay you back for the bills and stuff." i said to him and he smiled. "no need to pay me back anything to help. please call me ward i hate when people call me mr. cameron makes me feel old." he said and i laughed.

he kind of reminded me in the slightest bit of my dad. "well thank you mr. ward. sarah can i talk to you?" i asked as she nodded and ward walked away. "are you guys together?" i asked her and she smiled. "i think so. i really like him." she said looking to his room. "please don't hurt him he's been through a lot. also what really happened?"

"we were talking and we kissed the topper saw us and started trying to fight john b. they stated to push each other and topper shoved him into the rail and i guess the wood was old because it just— it just broke and he fell. i'm so sorry for getting him hurt." she said clearly upset with what happened.

"it's okay it wasn't you're fault." i said and walked back into the room seeing john b waking up. i ran over to him and sarah ran to the other side. ward came in shortly after. i hugged him really tight sighing. "never scare me like that again." i said to him and he hugged me back.

"just trying to give you the thrill you wanted." he joked and i hugged him tighter. "the thrill i wanted was partying not losing my brother." i said and pulled away. "right sorry to interrupt all of you guys, but i heard you had some trouble with dcs and i have decided to step in and be y'alls legal guardian." ward said and my mouth dropped.

"wait are you sure i mean you hardly know us." john said to him as he got helped out of bed. "of course i owe you an apology for firing you to. i should've known topper was lying." ward said and i was in disbelief.

he must want something first he pays the medical bills then he becomes our guardian? something up i know it. but he seems so nice maybe i'm wrong? i don't know. "i have to go and check on jj i just wanted to be sure you woke up safely john i love you please don't scare me like that again." i said and messed with his hair.

"of course i'll try not to love you too though tell jj i need to talk to him later." john b said as i walked out. "okay i'll see you guys." i said leaving the hospital. i made my way back to my house and changed.

i walked out of the house going to walk to jj's when i felt someone wrap their arms around me. "ahhh!" i scream panicked. "relax reeses it's just me." jj said and i calmed down. we walked to the back years and layed on the hammock.

"how's john b?" he asked me. "he's good he woke up this morning he got really lucky he only fractured his hand. i was so scared, but it's weird because ward payed for all the bills and apparently is our legal guardian now." i said to him.

"weird? you're a kook now!" he said laying by me. "is that a good thing or something?" i asked confused. "yeah it is." he said as he sat up. "let's go surf." he said and i nodded and went to put on a bathing suit. we got to the beach and we ran to the water.

we sat on our boards for a minute waiting for waves, but not seeing any. "wait jj if i'm a 'kook' now..." i started and he looked at me. "go on?" he said and i continued. "that means that we don't have the no pogue on pogue macking rule." i said to him and layed down on my board. "i guess not..." he said.

i sat up and looked at him. "wait seriously?" i asked him shocked. did he actually want to mack on me? i can't even tell if he's joking. "yeah. except i'm not macking on you i don't want to." he said and i felt saddened by the words. of course.

"oh." i sighed looking down. "i'm kidding reese. if you weren't john b's sister i would've like 10 times by now. hell i really wanted to say screw it yesterday and kiss you anyway." he said coming closer to me. "what changed? just do it now." i said and looked at him.

i looked in his eyes then down to his lips this back up to his eyes. he was focused on my lips. "fuck i really really want to, but i just can't right now. not after what just happened last night. " he said and i just nodded looking off into the ocean.

"i get it i guess. but jj why do you care so much about that one rule that you can't be with me? you don't even follow any rules and you never have." i said trying to make since of why i was constantly rejected by him. i just didn't want to admit or believe that he really just didn't like me.

"because that rule is different than other ones okay. you guys all of you pope, kei, john b, and you are my family okay i don't want to make anyone uncomfortable or awkward." he said to me. "but you literally tried it with kie." i said getting frustrated.

"jj if you don't like me then just say it okay. i don't need you leading me on okay that'd be worse than breaking a stupid fucking rule." i said starting to ramble getting mad. "come on jj just fucking admit it okay you never liked me and you just didn't want to hurt my feeling o you acted like you did." i said and he stared at me shocked.

"that's n-" he started and i cut him off. "just save it jj i should've known that you didn't like me okay you jus—" i started, but was cut off by him grabbing my face and smashing his lips against mine.

little sister// jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now