Beautiful Pain (Mino x Jisoo x Suho)

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Second Story

Beautiful Pain

Inspired by BTOB's Beautiful Pain

*(will include some english lyrics from this song)

I met my love, I said goodbye. For endless days, I cried and laughed. These times and moments. They are so beautiful yet so painful

Blue sky, chirping birds, and gentle breeze.

It was a perfect spring day for most citizen to go out and have fun with their loved ones. Many restaurants, food markets, parks, and other destinations were crowded by couples, friends, and families. But in the middle of this happy day, a lone figure stood in front of a headstone with flowers in his hand. Lily, that was her favourite.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked the headstone while gritting his teeth.

"ANSWER ME DAMMIT!" He shouted, getting startled looks from some nearby people in the almost empty cemetery.

"I told you to wait for me" he clenched his fist to restrain his anger.

"I miss you, Jisoo and I'm sorry" He bowed his head in sorrow and guilt. 

A poet without romance, like a corpse looking forward to an obscure reward. Even if I avoid pain, I run into a different pain. I couldn't see the happiness that was next to me. After I let you go, you don't know how much I regretted. Even at this moment, I'm losing so much

"I don't expect to see you here. But I guess it's only time for you to know" a suited-handsome man approaching the same headstone with a bouquet of lily on his hand. He put the flowers down and said a little prayer to the beautiful name on the headstone.

"Why didn't you tell me?" the younger man asked questioningly to the new visitor.

"and then what? If I told you, would you really leave all of your fame and reputation?"

"OF COURSE! I would leave it all behind." He answered with rage, couldn't believe how this older man didn't trust him to pick their female friend over his reputation.

"Would you, Mino? I don't think so. The present you might be, but the old you wouldn't let go all of those things. You were too proud with your ego. You were selfish, Mino." The older main explained lightly. He used to play with Mino since child and knew every little detail of him. He never judged wrong. After all, the three of them grew old together.

".........." Mino, the younger man, can't refute his explanation.

"She missed you too by the way. Every single damn day. But you didn't need her anymore right? You already have that stupid girlfriend right? I bet she's only looking for your money."

"I broke up with her"

"Wow, my prediction was true all along. Jisoo might be laughing at you. But well, it wouldn't change anything right? You still decided not to come back to her after all." 

"You took her away from me, Suho! How could I stay when I can't have her?!" Mino said enragely to the older man, Suho.

"Mino, we never got married." Suho confessed dejectedly.

"What?" Mino couldn't believe his ears. He looked at Suho with shock in his eyes.

"It was a lie. She didn't want to make you worry." Suho still didn't look at Mino, only looked straight ahead while reminiscing the old days.

"You mean...."

"Yeah, She always waited for you, you know. I don't even know why she liked you. I thought that I could make her happy and she will forget an idiot like you. But I guess wrong, huh? It sucks hahaha." said Suho with forced laughter.

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