Atop the Hill

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  "Alright where here!" John said stepping out of the car, it was the same hill he took you to when you first met. You walked up the hill John followed behind you with a basket and blanket. He laid the blanket down on the and sat down. "John your to sweet" you said next to him. He grabbed the basket, "Sorry about lunch, since we didn't really get a chance to eat I brought snacks" he opened the basket, it filled with goodies and sweets. You smiled, "It wasn't your fault" he took out a little bunt cake, "I made it myself" he said grabbing a knife, "It looks good!" He cut it and handed you a piece, "Mmmmm, it's good!" You said eating a mouth full, he laughed uncontrollably, "wut?" "How lady like" he continued to laugh, you whipped your mouth and laughed with him. Ok screw it I'm making the first move! But settle you thought, you leaned over on his shoulder, "This view is even more gorgeous then I remember" you said smiling, you saw him go red in the corner of your eye, "Y-ya it is" you starred at the city in silence. The lights twinkled in the building, the moon shinned on the city, it was quiet, peaceful. "(Y/n)" "hm?" "We've been friends for a really long time" he gulped, and you looked up at him, "and I was wondering if maybe you would want to, maybe, be my, girlfriend..?" "John...I" "No, no it's fine if you don't want to, oh I made this awkward didn't I" you kissed him and he kissed you back, "I would love to be your girlfriend." He hugged you and picked you up off the ground and spun you. "Your not pulling my leg right?" He laughed, "Of course not!", "Well we should get going" he rubbed the back of his neck, "Then let us go!" You tried to say in a old timey accent, "I guess we shall!" mocking your accent. He grabbed the blanket and the basket. You walked down the hill the towards the car. You sat down in the passengers seat, he rested his hand on the arm rest and you grabbed his hand making him go red. "Hey (Y/n)..." "Hm" "love you..." "I... I love you two my little turtle" you teased him making him go even redder. He walked you back up to your appertment, "Wait aren't you rooming with Lizzy?" (Eliza) "She's gonna kill you better be sneaky" he laughed, "Alright goodnight" you pecked him on the cheak, "N-night" he walked down the stairs. You cracked the door open and snuck in closing the door behind you, "Ah, look who's finally here" It was your mom, not your real mom your mom friend, Eliza. "Oh, hehe hey Eliza!" "I was worried sick!" "I was just...out, ya out" you chuckled nervously, "Out? Eh? With who?" She said accusingly, "John, I assume" "Maybe..." "Alright get to bed" "Ok ok geez" you walked passed Anelica and Peggy's room, to yours and Eliza's. "Night MUM" you laughed, "Mm" so sassy! "So did you and John go on a date?" "About that..." "Did that jerk break my baby's heart! I'll kill him!" She had a sudden look of determination in her eyes, "Nononono! We're official... Hehehe" Eliza's gonna kill me "OMG REALLY" Peggy was snooping at the door, "PEGGY!" Eliza yelled, "Angelica's here to!" "Snitch!" "ANGELICA! I THOUGHT YOU WHERE THE RESPONSIBLE ONE!" Ah yes chaos, the chaos of four best friends fighting, "Ok! Ok! Y/n call your boyfriend!" "What why?" "Cuz! Where not gonna say anything!" "Ok sure?" Why'd you agree? They do this all the time, all. The. Time. "Hey, (Y/n) what's up? Shut up" he whisper hissed the last part, "Ummm, who's that?" "Uh... My turtle!" "Ok? Did you tell the bois?" "Tell the boys what? Oh um hehe" you got a text, "WHAT ISN"T OUR JOHN TELLING US?" It was from Alex, "John..?" "Ya beb" "By any chance is Alex with you? Right now?" "Ya... Sorry..." "WHY JOHN WHY!!!!" You heard Alex yell, you and the girls burst out laughing. He face timed you, not only did he have Alex but all the bois, "You have your bois to?!" "What?" You moved your phone showing Peggy, Angelica, Eliza (SNEAK INTO THE CITY JUST TO WATCH ALL THE GUYS WORK WORK) "Hey Freckles!" Herc said grabbing the phone out of John's hand, "Yo due your phones bout to d-" his phone frickin died. You and the girls got a kick out of it and went to sleep in good moods, Eliza didn't even kill you!

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