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It was finally time to graduate, I got my Master's degree in Phchology and planed on attending medical school next year. The graduation ceremony was in a week now and everyone was so excited! Eliza was majoring in mathematics surprisingly and she was getting her bachelor degree and, Alex was getting his doctors degree in law.

Freckled Turtle: Hey cinnamon!

Cinnamon.Sugar: Heyyyyyyy when are you coming back!?

Freckled Turtle: In 2 weeks! Yay

Cinnamon.Sugar: But my graduation ceremony's in a week, are you sure you can't come earlier?

Freckled Turtle: I'm sorry, the that's the soonest flight :(

Cinnamon.Sugar: No it's fine I'll just record, don't worry! 

Freckled Turtle: I have to go, dads hungry love you cinnamon

Cinnamon.Sugar: Love you to babe

I texted Herc next

Cinnamon.Sugar: Hey bitch, what's up!

Herc.the.turd: Wassup hoe!

Cinnamon.Sugar: Are you and Laffy-Taffy going to be able to come down for my graduation?

Herc.the.turd: I'm sorry dude, we can't make :(

Cinnamon.Sugar: It's cool it's an expensive flight, don't swet it

Herc.the.turd:Thank dudet gtg mua

Cinnamon.Sugar: Mua!!!!!

Now Angie

Cinnamon.Sugar: Heyy gurl!

Angelica.Angle: Hey!

Cinnamon.Sugar: Are you coming down to me and Eliza's grad?

Angelica.Angle: Sorry I can't make it me and John already have plans sorry

Cinnamon.Sugar: It's cool ttyl love ya!

Angelica.Angle:Love ya to mua! 

Well this sucks, none of my friends can come to my graduation and I know Peggy can't come because she's still sick. It's fine the I got Eliza and Alex!

~~Time skip to the morning of the graduation party~~

"Freckles! Freckles! Wake up!" Eliza shook me awake, "I'm up! I'm up!" "Let's get ready! Then where going to Starbucks then I'm gonna help you move in most of your stuff! Come on Come on!" I got out of bed and got dressed in casual clothes and Eliza wore her signature blue casual dress. You got in her car and drove to Starbucks, I got (drink) and Eliza got a Venti Strawberry Frappiccihno. Then you went back and back and borrowed Alex's truck and put all the boxes in the apartment I rented for me and John when he got back. We moved in all our stuff and some of  the John's stuff that he left. The graduation was in a hour now and we drove back changed a drove to where the ceremony was being held. We stood in the crowd while friends and family sat in the audience, Alex went first then it was Eliza I was last, not of my friends but I was the last person. Mr. Washington handed me report card and my degree. Now it was time for my speach.

"I just want to thank my best friend Elizabeth Schuyler for pushing me to stay in my studies, I want to thank Mr. Washington for putting me in check, I want to thank my Nana for inspiring me and last but not least I want to thank my boyfriend John Laurens he couldn't make it here but I just want to thank him for always being there there for me digitally and in person for 2 years and he's the reason I'm here today so thank you" I took my degree and felt a tap on my shoulder behind me, I looked behind me and John was sitting there all dolled up, "JOHN!" I pulled him in a hug and kissed him and pressed my forehead on his. Awws could be heard from below, then the curtains behind us pulled away, everyone was there Herc, Laff and, Angie. We had a group hug and just had a great bonding moment. Then Angelica put a finger up and walked away then she came back pushing a wheel chair nod in that wheel chair Peggy sat smiling, I got on my knees and hugged her. John spoke into the microphone, "Sorry to hold you folks up but I just need to do one more thing..." He looked back at me and turned towards me still talking into the microphone, "Y/n, I'm sorry I had to be gone so long. So Y/n L/n would you do me the houner of making me the happiest man alive" he got on one knee and pulled a little box out of his pocket, "will you marry me Freckles?" You screamed, "YES" he got up and kissed me and tears fell form both our eyes.

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