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u/realwwe on Reddit:

Hi this is the one and only Dante Ward, asking me anything!

Q: How did it feel to be told you were getting called up to Raw?
A: I didn't have too much time to process it really, true story is I got informed right after Takeover Brooklyn 4, I had no clue about it beforehand

Q: What's your favorite moment in a ring?
A: That's a tough one it's like asking me my favorite child, but if I have to pick just one I think winning the Intercontinental Championship at WrestleMania this year, mostly because how much of the story going into the match was me just speaking my heart to you. Definitely my favorite program I've done in WWE

Q: How did you feel when you were told you were going to win the IC title?
A: Like with the call-up I didn't have too much time to process it, I was told the same day like three hours before the match but I was mentally preparing to get told that wasn't my night so getting told that I was winning felt extremely relieving

Q: Did you ever have a starstruck moment in WWE?
A: A lot. Specially when I first signed with NXT and being met by Hunter and Shawn just blew my mind, but I had a lot. The Hall of Fame probably was the biggest one yet but I like to think I'm getting better in that sense. Next thing you know I meet Stone Cold and I pass out after making eye contact with him

Q: Did you have any type of relationship with Liv before the Mixed Match Challenge? BTW I loved Blue Tongue Express
A: Fun fact here, we had never talked before that, not even when I first came in and she was still on NXT, what you saw in the YouTube channel was really our first interaction ever. Also yeah, Blue Tongue Express 4 Life 👅💙🤜🤛

Q: Dream opponent?
A: I have a list of like 50 people I'd like to face so I'll go with the top 3
1) AJ Styles
2) John Cena
3) Kevin Owens

Q: What are you doing right now?
A: Right now I'm at the airport waiting for my flight to our next show, also having some Starbucks Coffee and a muffin

Q: Who's the better villain? Reverse Flash, Deathstroke or Prometheus?
A: Oof, I don't know man, really hard choice. I think I go with Reverse Flash because he's so important in the Series from the start to now he's still there, like there would be no Barry Allen without him

Q: What do you think of Pineapple Pizza?
A: Hot take here, I like it. Downvote me to hell I don't care. I order it as a joke when we go out with Liv because she absolutely hates it. As I write this she's yelling at me Pineapple should never go in a pizza

Q: What do you make of the Ant-Man going up in Thanos butt to implode him theory?
A: I've had this discussion with both Liv Johnny and Candice. Johnny and I say that it works, Liv and Candice believe otherwise

Q: Favorite match of all time?
A: Punk vs Cena MITB 2011. It has everything I want in a match. If I can put a performance close to that I'll consider myself satisfied in life

Q: Is there anyone in the locker room you look up too?
A: A lot of people really. I feel like I have so much to learn and so many people willing to help me and I'm extremely thankful for that. But if I have to give names I could say Finn Balor, Kevin Owens, Ricochet, Johnny Gargano but the list really goes on and on.

Q: What's the most embarrassing thing to happen to you in a ring?
A: Definitely has to be when I was in the Indies in the middle of a match and a fan threw a banana peel to the ringside and we had to do a spot where a had to jump to the barricade and hit a moonsault, but when I jumped up I slipped on the peel and went flat faced into the barricade.

Q: Favorite movie of all time?
A: Probably Space Jam. While we're on it, give us Space Jam 2!

Q: Are there any other wrestlers with you when you're doing this AMA?
A: Pretty much the entire Smackdown roster, but if you want more detail I have Woods on my left, Ali on my right and the human jacket known as Liv Morgan wrapped on my back. BTW Liv says hi

Q: What is a match you'd show to someone who isn't into wrestling to make them engaged?
A: Hogan vs The Rock WM18. Everyone knows who Hulk is and I don't think I need to say anything about The Rock. Plus you have the crowd. Oh boy that crowd

Q: What's your favorite gear you've used so far? By the way you looked awesome in the matching gears
A: Definitely the Joker one for TLC. Last night was definitely up there too. Also thank you! (From me and Liv)

Q: Was the pod shattering scripted?
What was in your head when you jumped off the ladder at TLC?
A: No that wasn't supposed to happen. Worst part is that before the match Bobby tried to talk me out of doing it warning me that what ended happening could happen. Looking back at it I should have listened to him. To answer your second question it was a 50/50 of nearly pissing my pants in fear and YOLO (no pun intended). But now that's one of my favorite spots I've ever done

Q: Were you mad at Andrade for your injury?
A: Nope, not at all. It was really my fault and the only person I'm angry at for that is me, I knew that spot was up next and I didn't set myself like I should. Fun fact Andrade was also one of the first to come check on me when it happened 

Q: Who's the most like his/her character and who's the least?
A: Most? Probably Big E. I love that dude. Least? Definitely Ruby, I swear she's one of the sweetest people I know. If you're reading this we miss you Ruby! (Signed: Liv Sarah and me)

Q: You can eat one food only for the rest of your life, what would it be?
A: Pepperoni pizza no questions asked. If you give me that and a Rocky Road I'm in for whatever you ask me

Q: How did it feel to be part of the Make-A-Wish program?
A: Words don't make it justice really. It was honestly one of the most touching things I've done and by far the proudest. It was such a humbling experience I wish I could be with them again

Q: What balance do you make of this first year in the Main Roster?
A: The best is yet to come, keep watching 😉

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