Explanations and Challenges

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*Next Friday*
Dante was getting prepared to go out for the first time as United States Champion when he felt a hand on his shoulder
- Liv: Ready to go champ?
- Dante: Yeah! Tonight will be fun. Specially for you - he teased
- Liv: *Giggles* True that. I'm so excited we get to be all 3 back together! - she playfully bounced with a big bright smile on her face
- Dante: Ow! - he put a hand on his chest while Liv looked confused - Sorry, your cuteness made my heart melt
- Liv: *Giggles* It's my best weapon
- Dante: And my biggest weakness - he kissed her forehead while Liv gave him a tight hug
- Dante: I hate to say this but I have to go out, go be with your Squad I know you missed it
- Liv: Yep! See you later alligator! - they kissed and Liv left skipping
- Dante's mind: I love you so much

*In the ring*

The crowd popped loud for Dante, who came out with the US belt around his waist and a big smile on his face. He high fived quite a few fans in his way to the ring before entering and raising the title to another crowd pop before asking for a microphone
- Dante: Damn this feels good!
- Crowd: *cheers* You deserve it! *clap clap clap* you deserve it! *Clap clap clap*
- Dante: Thanks guys thank you, for real. - he smiled - I don't want to waste anyone's time here do I will make this part short. Ladies and gentlemen boys and girls children of all ages my name is Dante Ward, I'm from this very city of Orlando Florida and I'm your brand new United. States. Champion! - the crowd cheered for him again
- Dante: Now that I got that part out of the way let's get into why I'm here. Christmas is around the corner and we all know Christmas is a time of celebration and giving and receiving, and I for one feel like celebrating tonight, and what better way to do it than in true giving fashion. So everyone in the back I suggest you listen closely, this is an open Challenge for the United States Championship and it starts.....

Otis came in running to the ramp with Tucker chasing after him
- Tucker: Oh Dante I'm so sorry my man Otis got so excited he just ran off I couldn't catch him.....
- Dante: Tuck it's okay, it's okay. In fact when you think about it you're a good reason why I'm holding this title right now, so I'm more than glad to give you both a shot right here right now, what do you say guys? - he asked the fans, who responded with Yes chants
- Tucker: I'm gonna pass on this one. Otis wanted it first and I'd feel terrible fighting against my brother here - he patted Otis's back.
- Dante: You're the ultimate bro Tucky, I respect that. What do you say Otto man you want a shot?
- Dante: It's on, bring a referee - he took his shirt off and a ref came in running so the match could start

*Highlights of the match*
- Dante hit an Avada Kedavra combo followed by a running Shooting Star Press
- Otis hit an over the head belly to belly suplex followed by a corner splash
- Dante tried to hit a running attack, but Otis pounced him to the outside
- Otis hit a Superplex
- Otis hit a Body slam
- Dante hit a Sunset Flip Powerbomb for a 2,5 count

*End of the match*
Dante managed to hit Otis with a 201 facebreaker but he knew that wouldn't do it, he needed to go big if he wanted to retain. He went up to the corner but made the mistake of taking his eyes off Otis, who got up at a surprising speed and managed to throw Dante of his feet, making him hit his kiwis in the turnbuckle. Otis then hit a belly to belly suplex on Dante and started charging up the Caterpillar. It seemed like he was going to do it, but just as he hit the elbow Dante caught it and managed to put Otis in position for the Breaking Point. The big guy did his best to fight out of it, but after a few seconds and with nowhere to go he was forced to tap out
- Greg Hamilton: Here's your winner and still the United States Champion.....

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