Chapter 1: New places and a new life

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        Starting at a new school can be a pain in the ass but for me its ten times worse. I dont want to be noticed or for people to talk to about me as 'new girl', but its going to happen. My younger brothers and I moved from Tennessee to California. From country to city. We didn't need a change of pace or a change of scenery, but the courts had another idea. We couldn't stay at our grandmothers anymore because of her medical condition. She couldn't keep up with us anymore. They shipped us off and to California to our Aunt Alyssa's-whos a doctor. I guess they thought since she had money she could take care of us better then any of our family in Tennessee, who already have 3-6 kids in each house well Aunt Alyssa had none. 

        That or my grandmothers attempts of trying to make them send us there for our and I quote "well being" and my aunt insisting she would love to take care of us, she would be over the moon and be fully able to. I didn't want to move (well sort of) I had all my friends, most of my family and my whole life was there in Tennessee, but then again I kind of did need to move. To get away from the memories and the torment of being there. It also didn't help that we were a constant reminder to our family of what they lost. What we all lost. 

        So when we turned onto our aunts street all I could think about is how it's going to be here. I've heard stories and read articles about California and what everyone is like, but I've never actually interacted with people from California hell I've never even been outside of Tennessee. As stupid as that sounds. But so far by the looks of some of the people and the stories-they were right. Woman with bodies like models, long tanned and toned bodies, can be sweet yet sexy and above all breathtakingly beautiful. Guys here would definitely be considered sex gods where I'm from (not saying that we don't have hot country boys). Tan, muscular and oh so handsome.

        Now where were living is exactly how I imagined it would be- big, beautiful and expensive. The neighborhood is all houses that looked like they should be made for queens compared to Tennessee. We pulled up in the drive way of our new house. It is massive, the outside is the color of fresh hay. The roof and the window frames are a light chestnut color well the front door is a brick red. It is absolutely gorgeous . Aunt Alyssa has good taste I'll give her that. The driver (yes we had a driver , our aunt sent one to pick us up at the airport) had gotten our bags out and set them at the end of the driveway then took off. I suppose she had already payed him through the company he worked for. I gathered up all of my belongings and my brothers took theirs as we made our way up the the front door. I knocked three times before the door opened. 

Our Aunt Alyssa has short straight brown hair, brown eyes and a lovely personality. 

"Welcome. Welcome, I'm so glad you guys are here! I haven't seen you in ages." She exclaimed well pulling each of us into a bone crushing hug.

"Thank you Aunt Alyssa for-you know- letting us stay here." I said well helping her bring our bags into the house. 

"Are you kidding? It's always a pleasure. I don't have kids as you know so having you guys means the world to me." She said with a wide smile on her face.

"The top three bedrooms are your rooms. Of course. I shut the door to the guest room and my room so make yourselves comfortable." She gushed. We (my brothers and I) made our way to our rooms well Aunt Alyssa prepared dinner. I picked the one farthest down the hallway it was the last bedroom. It had a queen sized bed on a canopy bed post (stunning by the way) the covers were this beautiful soft pink. Some of the decorative pillows on the top of my bed were that pink, a darker pink, and a couple were even sparkly. The walls are white which I'm okay with I didn't want a room with crazy colors. I have a walk-in closet and my own bathroom!

        Thank god. With my grandma we all shared a bathroom which meant a lot of yelling. Like "hurry up your taking to long" or "how long does it take you to actually go to the bathroom" or my personal favorite "your taking to long its like your peeing a river." Lets just say my grandma is a very unique person. 

        I grabbed my bags and began putting my clothes and other items away. By the time I was done I had posters, polaroid pictures, and small memory pieces covering one wall just above my desk. I put pictures of all my friends back home set in frames scattered around my room. I put out my alarm clock on my bedside table, it was made to play music and fill my room with sunlight when it goes off. I know, its a little extensive, but that's the only way I can sleep. This girl likes her sleep. 

"Dinners ready kids!" Aunt Alyssa yelled from downstairs. 

Aunt Alyssa is an amazing cook. She made delicious chicken parmesan with pasta. The boys loved pasta as did I. It was a staple in our house. Easy to cook and almost zero preparation needed thank god. When we were all done with dinner I helped with the dishes well the boys got cleaned up for bed.

"Grace your going to be starting school at Manga High School. I know you just got here, but I didn't want you missing out on your schooling." She said well handing me a plate to put in the dishwasher.

As I put it in the dishwasher I replied: " Is it a good school? Do you know much about it?"

 "I did a lot of research before I enrolled you into the school. It has an A+ rating, its one of the top schools in the county, and it has an amazing arts program. I know you love to sing, I think it would be good for you to-"

"I don't sing anymore." I cut her off abruptly.

"Well I know you took a break after-"

"If you don't mind Aunt Alyssa I'm just going to head up to bed now to get a good nights sleep tomorrow for school." I said turning on my heel and almost racing out of the room. I didn't mean to be rude, but this was something  I had no desire talking about right now.

"Well alright I'll see you tomorrow morning. Good night" She yelled after me. 

"Goodnight.." I said. I was halfway up the stairs when Aunt Alyssa voice stopped me. She came to the end of the stairs and spoke as she looked up at me. 

"Grace I can't imagine what your going through, but I just wanted to say I'm sorry- you know for everything that's happened to you and your family.." I know she meant no harm, but whenever someone talked about it, it just made me want to dig a hole and stay in there forever. 

"I know Aunt Alyssa, me too. See you tomorrow." I said. I went into my new bedroom, got ready for bed and then snuggled into the sheets. The last thing I thought about before I drifted off into a not so peaceful sleep was how much my life is going to change apart from how much it already has.


Hey everyone!

I'm so sorry I didn't update last week, I've been so beyond jammed packed with school work and mid terms. Why do teachers give us so much work on top of us stressing over the studying for our midterms? I completely hate it. Can anyone relate on to this with me? Comment and tell me if you do or...? Any who you guys got to meet Grace's Aunt Alyssa, she's cool you'll like her. Comment, like, vote and follow! Don't forget to comment what you think, I would love to hear from you! I hope you enjoyed 

xoxoxo lots of love

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