28. Absence - Part 2

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Shawn, Evelyn, and Seth's closest trustees, who had continued to serve under Shawn, waited for them outside the house. Before Seth stepped out of the car, Fay grabbed his wrist to stop him. Seth turned his gaze on her.

"He is your brother," Fay said for the hundredth time. 

Seth nodded and cupped her cheek.

"I can't believe you're even letting that cross your mind," she said brushing off his hand. He put it on her shoulder so his thumb was against her throat. She hated the look in his eyes - that look made her think she had been right all along about alphas and male wolves. Seth was what she had feared him to be. 

"Should I yield? Accept him as alpha, as my Alpha?" Seth asked. 

"N-no.." Fay lowered her eyes. She didn't want that nor believed he ever could. Even now, just the two of them in that car, she could feel his power and domination radiating. That's who he was.

"Ok, then," Seth said and stepped out of the car. 

Seth raised his hand and waved at the group waiting by the porch. Fay heard their happy greetings. Seth opened the door for her and offered his hand as she stepped out. She didn't want to hold it while they walked. Seth didn't let it bother him, he placed it behind the small of her back and gently pushed her to walk by his side. 

"Relax. I'm not stupid," he spoke into her mind. Fay was too tense to reply especially as she noticed Shawn walking towards them. 

"Great to have you back home," Shawn said and hugged his big brother. Seth hugged him back so tightly that Fay found it hard to understand how just a moment ago his emotions had told a dangerous story of what would happen to the brothers. 

"Great to be back," Seth said. They pulled away and both of them had wide smiles on their faces. 

Evelyn walked to them too. She squeezed the hem of her skirt and her eyes darted between the brothers and Fay. She's nervous too, Fay realized. Fay pulled Evelyn to her side and put her arms around Evelyn's shoulder. She turned her head so her lips nearly touched Evelyn's ear.

"It's alright," she whispered as silently as possible, not wanting the brothers to hear. Fay didn't believe her assurance herself, so it was not surprising to see Evelyn's panicy eyes fill with tears.

"I'll break it off if something happens," she whispered again, but this time her words caught the brothers' attention. They looked at their mates and then at each other. Seth cleared his throat.

"Fay thinks I'm going to fight you to the end," he said.

"Yeah. Are you?" Shawn asked. 

"Are you going to step down?" Seth asked back. Fay hated how nonchalantly they spoke of something that could turn out uglier than anything the Trinhs had done so far. Fay glanced at the men standing on the porch. They all looked tense - not knowing what to do but stand still. 

"You know I can't."

This is not happening, Fay though squeezing Evelyn closer to her side. Evelyn had been holding her breath. Now she let it out with a small whimper. 

"Ok," Seth said. He turned to the men. "I am here to challenge you Alpha," he spoke. 

Younge stepped forth. 

"I'll invigilate," he said. Both brothers nodded.

"No!" Fay shouted. She walked between the brothers. "You are not doing this. There has to be a more civilized way to deal with this," she cried out. Now she turned to Shawn hoping her plea would be heard unlike earlier. "He is your brother!"

"Wilson, keep our mates here. Under no circumstances, will they follow us."  Shawn said. 

"Yes, Alpha,"  Fay heard behind her and soon felt a gentle hand on her shoulder. Wilson hold her still as the brothers and Younge started to walk toward the edge of the forest behind the Cage house. 

"Seth!" she screamed into his mind. 

"Stay here," he said over his shoulder. 

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