33. Tribes

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Serafina never left the serum out of her sight. It was either in the pocket of her jacket or between her fingers as she rolled around the small glass bottle between her thumb and index finger. And before she walked into the school assembly hall, she once again touched her pocket. 

As she pushed the doors open, she could hear her brothers' voices. And once she saw them, she smiled. Seth.

She tried to not to distract whatever was going on, but failed. Seth's eyes landed on her and his face lit up. He opened his arms and kept them open the whole way he walked to Serafina. Serafina found herself pulled close to his towering body and his hands around her. 

"Hey Tiny," he whispered into her ear so no one else could hear.

"Hey," she smiled looking into her big brother's warm chocolate eyes. He took a glance at people   at the seats who were also looking at them with teary eyes and big smiles. He cleared his throat.

"There's so much to talk about, but I need to get back to this meeting. Will you join us?" he asked still holding his arms on her shoulders. Serafina nodded.

"That's why I'm here," she laughed quietly. Her brother laughed too and she couldn't help but get little choked up. She could hear her father in his laughter.

Seth took her hand and pulled her to the front. Serafina noticed there were not just pack members, but also strangers. Five men, native Wolves she realized, sat in the front row. They didn't look pleased to be there. Their harsh eyes and crossed arms told her that. Serafina sat on the other side of the aisle between Fay and Evelyn who hugged her. Fay squeezed her hand and kept holding it.

"Thank you," she mouthed. Serafina nodded. 

"Are you alright?" Evelyn whispered. Serafina nodded. She was ok. She would be ok.

"What's going on?" she whispered and Fay leaned closer to her.

"The pack has accepted Seth taking back his position as Alpha. There will be a Run tonight."

"Ok. What about those tribe men?"

"Max's mate and dad. The three others are their men," Fay explained. 

"Not happy to be here?" Serafina asked.

"Nope," Fay said emphasizing the p.


Seth knew this was a pivotal point for his pack and for the packs that supported him and were his allays.  

An hour earlier he had received a disturbing message from Fay's father. Over 700 male wolves had disappeared from the area he had been collecting information about Finnigan's plans. And hundreds from each of Finnigan's allay packs. What made the situation worse, was that Finnigan had been able to make a Canadian pack, near the Washington border his allay. It was one of the biggest packs in Western Canada. They didn't know the exact numbers, but Finnigan had 3 to 5 thousand male wolves somewhere ready for a battle. 

Seth needed the tribes. 

"Alpha Kaye," he begin. "When I was just a boy, you and my father worked hard to create peace between the settler packs and native tribes-"

Alpha Kaye lifted his hand.

"Careful there boy."

The disrespect was hard to let slide, but Seth had to just swallow his alpha pride.

"Few visits, dinners and sightseeing tours do not wash away the sins of your forefathers," Alpha Kaye spoke.

"You are right. They will not. But I would like to think you are a man of your word," Seth said. He looked deep into the older Alpha's eyes. Every non-alpha wolf shifted uncomfortably in their seats. 

"Your daughter sees this a worthy cause," Seth said. He heard a low growl from the younger alpha next to Alpha Kaye.

"Alpha Skeet," Seth acknowledged him.

"Keep my mate out of this," he growled.

A sigh could be heard from the second row, behind Alpha Skeet. 

"Don't you think it's a bit late for that," Max said and stood up. She was unfazed by the stern eyes of her mate and father telling her to sit down. Seth appreciated her strong mind.

"Father... From the very beginning of my life, you have bestowed the legacy of tribes and tribal history into my mind. My identity is built upon it. You know that. That is why I believe, we cannot stay out of this. Father- and Dex... What will happen if Finnigan crushes the packs Phillip Cage and his allays built? You once said Philip Cage was a reasonable wolf - despite having settler ancestors. Finnigan is not reasonable. He is not decent in any shape or form. He stands against what our legacy is. Alpha Cage and his allays have not stolen tribal lands nor have their packs in over 137 years. You cannot say the same with Finnigan and his followers. When was the last time our people lost land to him?  A century ago? No. A decade ago? No! Eight months ago Blue River Tribe lost lives trying to defend their ancestor lands against - not just his allays, but against Finnigan's own pack. Do you think our lands are safe if Finnigan wins? You claim that this is not a worthy cause to shed tribal blood. You are wrong. This is what will determine the fate of us. If we look the other way, there will be no legacy to pass on to our children."

Silence fell into the assembly hall.  Anxiously they waited for the two alphas to reply.

Alpha Kaye whispered something to Alpha Skeet. He nodded.

Slowly Alpha Kaye rose from the chair. He walked to Seth who was masking his nervousness. Alpha Skeet looked at Seth. He frowned. Then he lifted his hand.

"We will stand with you," he said.

Relieved sighs surrounded them as they shook hands.

Serafina leaned towards Fay. She made sure nobody would hear what she was about to whisper.

"Gather the She-Wolf Pack. No one else can know."


OMG! I did it! 

What? You may ask.

I finally published a chapter. 

A special thank you to ElisabethEgelin Your words encouraged me to push through the block I had created in my head.

Thank you all for votes and comments! They are precious to me :)


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